Using the Resource Browser

The Resource Browser is the central repository for all Vectorworks resources (see Resource Libraries). Use it to create, apply, and manage resources in the current file, and to access resources in other files.

To use the Resource Browser:

  1. Select Window > Palettes > Resource Browser.

  2. The Resource Browser opens.



    Files menu

    Lists menu commands that are used to create and manage a set of favorite resource files and to browse the resources in an existing document (see Quick Resource Browsing)

    Files list

    Specifies the file from which to display resources in the Resource Browser. Select a file from the Open Files or Favorites sections of the list, or select an option from the Libraries section of the list and browse to locate the file that contains the resources you need.

    Select Always Display Active Document to automatically display the resources in the active file whenever you switch from one open file to another.

    If you browsed a file (either from one of the libraries folders, or by using the Browse a Document command) the last browsed file displays at the bottom of the Files list.

    See Using Resources from Open Files, Favorites, and Libraries.

    Home button

    Displays the resources of the currently active file

    Resources menu

    Lists menu commands that are used to work with resources; see the following:

        Viewing Resources

        Creating New Resources

        Finding Resources

        Working with Resources

    Up one level button

    Moves one level up the symbol folder or script palette folder hierarchy

    File folder list

    Lists the file’s resource folders, if there are symbol folders or script palette folders in the file. Select a folder to display the folder’s resources in the resource display window.

    To return to a view of the entire resource hierarchy, select Top Level. All resource types and folders that are currently selected to be shown display in the resource display window.

    Resource type

    In Thumbnails mode, displays resources divided into categories by type; the types are displayed in headings that can be shown and expanded, or collapsed and hidden (see Hiding and Showing Resources). In List mode, click the column header to sort the columns by resource name or by resource type.

    Resource screen tip

    Shows the full resource name as a screen tip when you position the cursor over a resource; for referenced resources, the screen tip also shows the source file name

    Resource preview

    Displays resources with a preview image, or lists the resources with a representational icon

    Resource name

    Shows the resource name; a name in italics indicates a referenced resource. Type the first letter of a resource to quickly display resource names beginning with that letter. The color of a symbol (black, red, or blue) indicates the symbol type (see Symbol Types).

    Resource display window

    Displays the resources from the file shown in the Files list, and the symbol folder shown in the File Folder list. Select which resource types to display from the Resources menu (see Hiding and Showing Resources).

    Active symbol button

    Displays the currently active symbol in the resource display window

  3. By default, the resources from the currently active document display. Locate and select a resource to use from this file, or use the Files list to view resources from other files. If the resource you need does not exist, you can create one.

  4. Once a resource is selected, you can use it in the drawing, or select another action from the Resources menu, such as Edit or Export to another file. See Working with Resources for more details.


Viewing Resources

Accessing Existing Resources

Using Favorites Files

Finding Resources

Working with Resources

Creating User Libraries and Workgroup Libraries