Renderworks00036.pngCreating Renderworks Backgrounds

With the Renderworks product, backgrounds can be added to create a more realistic drawing. Backgrounds, such as clouds, a color or color gradient, or an imported image or panorama, are applied on a per-layer basis. A physical sky background can be combined with a heliodon (Vectorworks Design Series required) to create a realistic sky, correct in appearance for the time of day. In addition, a special lit fog effect can add the illusion of shafts of light in fog (point or spot light required).

Renderworks backgrounds are resources that are created and displayed in the Resource Browser and are saved with the file. A variety of Renderworks backgrounds are provided in libraries (a selected background is automatically imported into the file and displays in the Resource Browser). Several Renderworks styles make use of backgrounds.

To create a background:

  1. From the Resource Browser, select New Resource > Renderworks Background from the Resources menu.

  2. The Edit Renderworks Background dialog box opens.

  3. Enter the name of the new background and select the type of background to create. Click Options to set specific background parameters.

  4. OpenGL render mode only displays One Color, Two Color, and Image backgrounds.

  5. Click OK from the Create Renderworks Background dialog box to create the resource.

The new background resource is listed in the Resource Browser. It is available in the Edit Design Layers dialog box (see Applying Renderworks Backgrounds for information).

A Renderworks background can be quickly edited by pressing Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac) and double-clicking on the resource in the Resource Browser.

Backgrounds and lit fog effects can be used together.

Textures and backgrounds that are not used in the drawing file should be purged to reduce file size. See Purging Items from a File.


Applying Renderworks Backgrounds

Setting Lighting Options

Applying Colors