Spot00029.pngIdentifying a Video Source for the Vision Program

When sending a Vectorworks file to the Vision program, a video screen object (television, video screen object, blended screen, or LED screen object) or 3D drawing geometry (solid, extrude, mesh, sweep, floor, column, roof face, 3D polygon, or 3D locus) can be identified for use as a video surface for use in Vision. The video source can be either a video file or a video capture device that the Vision program can identify and render.

To associate video information for use in Vision:

  1. Select the video screen object or 3D geometry.

  2. To include an image on the 3D geometry, apply a texture to the geometry that is the same aspect ratio as the video you want to put on that screen. Texture tiling, if any, will appear the same way in Vision.

  3. The next action depends on the selection.

  4.     If a video screen object is selected, click Edit Screen Image or Edit Array Image from the Object Info palette, and then click Select Vision Video Source from the Edit Screen Image dialog box.

        If 3D geometry is selected, select Spotlight > Visualization > Select Vision Video Source.

    The Select Vision Video Source dialog box opens.

  5. Click OK.

When the Vectorworks file is sent to the Vision program, the video source is identified and plays on the screen or geometry. The video loops indefinitely.


Exporting in Vision Format

Applying and Mapping Textures

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