Spot00007.pngExporting in Vision Format 

Vectorworks files can be sent directly to the Vision program, or exported to the .esc format, for use in Vision. The Vision data mapping configured in the Spotlight preferences applies to the export.

Sending a File Directly to Vision

Send a file to the Vision program directly, when Vision is installed.

To send the current Vectorworks file to Vision:

  1. Select File > Send to Vision.

  2. The Vision program launches and opens the file. Save the file within Vision.

    If Vision is installed, but no dongle is detected, Vision opens in demo mode, with limited control channels.

    If Vision is not installed, the default browser opens to the Vision product page on the Vectorworks web site.

Exporting a File to Vision

To export a Vision file:

  1. Select File > Export > Export ESC.

  2. The dialog box opens. Specify the parameters and click Export.

  3. Specify the file name and destination, and then click Save.


Mapping Vision Data

Editing Vision Data

Identifying a Video Source for the Vision Program

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