Spot00065.pngEditing Vision Data

Vectorworks Spotlight software is integrated with the Vision program for visualization, and the lighting device Fixture Mode parameter can be selected from the Object Info palette. Associated with the fixture mode, default data for Vision specifies the device’s color wheels, gobo wheels, animation wheels, and attachments; the default Vision data can be changed for a selected lighting device with the Edit Vision Data command.

The gobo, color, and animation properties of the instrument can either be set here, or by clicking Edit from a selected lighting device. General and attachment information can only be set from the Edit Vision Data command.

Vision must be installed to specify Vision data with the command.

To edit Vision data:

  1. Select a lighting device with a Vision Fixture Mode specified from the Object Info palette.

  2. Select Spotlight > Visualization > Edit Vision Data.

  3. The Vision Light dialog box opens.

  4. Click OK.


Lighting Device Properties

Advanced Light Properties

Editing Lighting Instruments

Mapping Vision Data

Exporting Vectorworks Spotlight Data

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