DesignSeries00028.pngConverting Slab Boundary Associations

Manually drawn slabs and slab edges can be associated with walls, converting them to automatically bounded mode. Likewise, automatically bounded slabs and edges can be converted to manual mode, releasing them from their association with walls.

The Bounding parameter on the Object Info palette describes slabs by their edge types: Auto-Bounded, Manual, or Auto-Bounded with Manual Edges.

Converting to Automatically Bounded Mode

To convert manual slabs or automatically bounded slabs with manual edges to automatically bounded slabs:

  1. Select the slab.

  2. In the Object Info palette, click Pick Boundary from the Bounding list.

  3. The Slab tool is automatically activated.

  4. Click Inner Boundary mode or Picked Walls mode from the Tool bar.

  5. For Inner Boundary mode, click in an open area of the drawing that is bounded by walls. For Picked Walls mode, click each wall that forms the wall set and press Enter, or click the check mark button on the Tool bar.

The slab is associated with the wall set. Its location and size may change as it is bounded by the wall set.

An automatically bounded slab can be associated with new walls using the same process.

Converting to Manual Mode

To convert automatically bounded slabs, with or without manual edges, to manual slabs:

  1. Select the slab.

  2. In the Object Info palette, click Manual from the Bounding list.

The slab is disassociated from its wall set, though it remains in place.

Converting to Auto-Bounded with Manual Edges Mode

To convert automatically bounded slabs to an automatically bounded slab with manual edges, delete one of the bounding walls; the Bounding parameter changes automatically. The associations between the slab edges and the remaining walls are unchanged.

To convert a manual slab to an automatically bounded slab with manual edges:

  1. Select the slab.

  2. In the Object Info palette, click Pick Boundary from the Bounding list.

  3. The Slab tool is automatically activated.

  4. Click Picked Walls mode from the Tool bar.

  5. Click each wall that forms the open-edged wall set and press Enter, or click the check mark button on the Tool bar.

The slab becomes associated with the wall set, and the edges without associated walls remain manual.


Concept: Automatically Bounded and Manual Slab Edges

Drawing Slabs Manually

Creating Automatically Bounded Slabs from Existing Walls

Creating Slabs with Both Automatically Bounded and Manual Edges

Setting Edge Offsets

Using Slab Styles

Slab Properties

Creating Slab Components

Editing Slab Geometry

Creating Slabs


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