DesignSeries00005.pngConnecting Roof Faces



Tool set

        Single Object Connect

        Dual Object Connect




Use either the Single Object Connect or the Dual Object Connect mode of the Connect/Combine tool to trim roof faces that intersect or to extend one roof face to another. Also specify whether to use a miter or vertical edge for the roof face joins.


To connect two roof faces:

  1. Click the tool and appropriate mode.

  2. If the roof faces have different pitches, select the mode to join the faces.

  3.         To miter the roof face edges at the join, select Miter Roof Face Joins.

            To cut the roof face edges vertically at the join, select Vertically Cut Roof Face Joins.

  4. Click the first, and then the second, roof face to connect.

The result of the operation depends on the mode selected, the positions of the roof faces, and the portion of the roof faces clicked upon.




Roof face edges only miter along the edges where they meet. If multiple faces join to a common edge, the common edge will have multiple segments of different miters.

To remove the mitered edge, select the roof face, and click Remove Mitered Edges from the Object Info palette. This resets the eave to the original Eave Cut (if needed), and resets all other edges to vertical cut geometry.


Editing and Reshaping Roof Faces


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