Editing and Reshaping Roof Faces

Once a roof face has been created, there are several ways to edit it.

        Edit the roof face parameters (such as the angle or eave type) from the Object Info palette.

        Change the roof’s basic 2D object shape using the Edit Roof command. (Be careful not to use the Ungroup command, as this permanently changes the roof face back into the original 2D object.) Use the Exit Roof command to complete the change.

        Move the roof face axis using the Selection tool in Top/Plan view.

        Change the roof face angle using the Reshape tool (best in Front or Back view).

The roof angle must be between 0° and 85° to be changed by the Reshape tool.

        Connect roof faces as described in Connecting Roof Faces

        Add gable windows or skylights as described in Adding Roof Elements to Roof Objects and Roof Faces.

The roof face properties can be edited from the Object Info palette. The roof face parameters are described in Creating Roof Faces. Only the parameters which are different are described here.


Connecting Roof Faces

Creating Cutouts in a Roof Face

Using Roof Styles

Creating Roof Components

Roof and Wall Associations

Editing a Group

Reshaping Objects

Applying a Texture to an Object


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