DesignSeries00001.pngCreating Roof Faces


Workspace: Path

Roof Face

        Architect: AEC

        Landmark: Landmark > Architectural

        Spotlight: Spotlight > Architectural

To create a roof face:

  1. Draw the 2D object that is the basis for the roof. Any enclosed 2D object can be used, such as enclosed arcs, polylines, rectangles, circles, and ovals.

  2. With the object selected, select the command.

  3. The Create Roof Face dialog box opens. Specify the roof slope creation method, edge and hole miter options, and roof parameters.

  4. Click-drag the cursor across the 2D object to draw a line that defines the roof axis; click again to complete the line. An arrow displays on one side of the line, indicating which side of the object will be the high side of the roof.

  5. Point the cursor to the side of the roof that will be highest, and then click again. The roof axis line displays selection handles, and the arrow pointing to the high side of the roof turns blue, indicating that the roof face is complete.



Editing and Reshaping Roof Faces

Connecting Roof Faces

Creating Cutouts in a Roof Face

Adding Roof Elements to Roof Objects and Roof Faces

Using Roof Styles

Creating Roof Components

Roof and Wall Associations


Applying a Texture to an Object


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