Keynote legends can take advantage of a notes database.
To place a database keynote legend:
Click the Callout tool from the Basic palette.
Click the Preferences button from the Tool bar.
The Callout Preferences dialog box opens. As described in Inserting Callouts or Keynotes, select Place As Keynote and click OK.
Place the callouts in the drawing area.
Select the keynote legend. From the Object Info palette, click Edit Notes.
The Notes Manager: Keynote List dialog box opens.
If necessary, click Show Database Controls to access the keynote legend database parameters.
The dialog box is divided into two sections, with the database information on the left and the keynote legend information on the right. The buttons in the center of the dialog box move information from the database to the legend and vice versa.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Click OK to change the keynote legend, replacing the notes with database notes.