Converting Objects

Objects can easily be converted to lines, polygons, meshes, generic solids, groups, and plug-in objects.

Convert to Lines

The Convert to Lines command changes a single object into the series of lines needed to create it. For example, a rectangle is converted into four lines.

Circles and ovals can also be converted into numerous line segments. However, especially when converting circles, the accuracy of the line segments depends on the 2D conversion resolution setting chosen in the Vectorworks Preferences dialog box.

To convert an object to lines:

  1. Select the object to convert.

  2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert to Lines.

  3. If the object is 3D, select the wireframe, hidden line, or dashed hidden line rendering conversion option. The selected render mode determines which lines are visible, and therefore, created.

  4. Click OK.

The object is converted into lines and each segment can be manipulated.


Convert Copy to Lines

The Convert Copy to Lines command works like the Convert to Lines command except that it first makes a copy of the object and then converts the copy into line segments. The original object remains intact. See also Creating an Interior Elevation With Convert Copy to Lines Command.

To convert a copy of an object to lines:

  1. Select the object to convert.

  2. Select Modify > Convert > Convert Copy to Lines.

  3. If the object is 3D, select the wireframe, hidden line, or dashed hidden line rendering conversion option. The selected render mode determines which lines are visible, and therefore, created.

  4. Click OK.

A copy of the object is converted into lines and each segment can be manipulated.


Convert to Polygons

Convert to Mesh

Converting to Generic Solids

Convert to a Group or Plug-in Object

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