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Organization |
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Stories contain levels with default names and parameters defined by standards. When a story has a level, it can be used
as a potential boundary for objects in its story (such as walls, slabs, and so on) or for the story above or below it. You can select the automatically defined levels when creating a story, or, for projects that require custom level types, create
customized levels by defining the default levels before creating the stories.
Level elevation within the story is set but can be edited; levels are offset vertically from the elevation of the story that contains them.
The levels designated here will be available when stories are created. In addition to being used as an elevation reference, levels can be optionally associated with layers which contain
the drawing objects such as furniture, fixtures, walls, windows, and so on.
To create or edit default story levels:
Select the command to open the Organization dialog box. Click the Stories tab.
The functionality of the Organization dialog box is described in The Organization Dialog Box.
Click Default Story Levels.
The Default Story Levels dialog box opens, listing the currently defined default levels, their elevations (offset from the story elevation), and any associated layers.
Click New to create a new default story level, or Edit to modify the currently selected default level.
The New Default Story Level or Edit Default Story level dialog box opens.
to show/hide the parameters.
By default, several level types are available, such as slab, finish floor, and ceiling; default story level types are provided as default content (see Concept: Resource Libraries). To create a custom level type, select New Level Type from the Level Type list.
The New Level Type dialog box opens. Enter the name of the new type of level.
Click OK to return to the New/Edit Default Story Level dialog box.
Once the default story level has been defined or modified, click OK to return to the Default Story Levels dialog box.
Once the default story levels in the list have been defined or modified, click OK to return to the Organization dialog box.
Stories can now be created. They will use the default information specified to create the levels associated with the stories.
Command |
Path |
Organization |
Tools |
Available story levels can be managed from the Organization dialog box.
To manage available level types:
Select the command to open the Organization dialog box. Click the Stories tab.
Click Level Types.
The Level Types dialog box opens. Specify the level types that are available by default when creating stories.
to show/hide the parameters.