Site protection System Menu

The site protection System Menu provides access to commonly-required license administrator tasks.


To access the site protection System Menu:

1.      On Windows, right-click the icon in the Notification area of the task bar, at the bottom right corner of the computer screen. On Mac, click the icon at the top right of the computer screen on the menu bar.

2.      The System Menu opens. Select a menu command.

System Menu command


Vectorworks Site Protection


Open Web Interface

Launches the Main server administration screen browser interface (Windows users can also double-click on the System Menu icon)

Set Up Web Access Account

You can control access to the browser interface by setting up an account with a password. This command opens the Set Up Web Account dialog box, to create or enter a login name. When first setting up an account, an empty password is created by default; change the password in the browser interface (see Requiring server passwords).

After entering a login, the browser interface opens. If you have not previously accessed it, you may need to log in again on the left side of the interface.


Uninstalls the Vectorworks Site Protection Server software

Control (___)

The Control menu displays “Running” when the Site Protection Server is active


Starts the server when it has been stopped


Restarts the server by refreshing all settings and license files. This does not fully restart the entire RLM server or interrupt the client workflow.


Stops the server; restart it by clicking Start 



Enter Activation Key

When the Site Protection Server software is enabled by activation key rather than by a dongle, enter the activation key that was issued to you to generate and enable the license file. The activation key is remembered; to update a license, simply open the dialog box and click OK to reactivate the license using the key.

Add License from File

Select a license file (.lic file)


Displays the name of all current server license files; any license can be revoked if needed


Revokes a previously activated server license, allowing the server software to run on a different computer.

Revoking a license causes the license server to restart, and disconnects any currently connected users.


Lists the available product licenses and shows how many are currently in use for each product



View Usage History

Opens the Usage History dialog box, for viewing the usage statistics by product as described in Viewing usage history

View Debug Log

The Debug log contains settings, records all events that occur from the server startup, and other information about the server and its environment; it can provide useful hints when troubleshooting. See The Debug log for more information.

View Report Log

The Report log file is a text file with statistical data about the licenses available on the server. It contains historic information such as usage status for each product. See The Report log for more information.

Access Permissions

Opens the Access Permissions dialog box, for Configuring access permissions


Opens this help system


Closes the System Menu, but keeps the license server running unless you stop it as well

The same functionality, along with many less-frequently used functions, can also be accessed from the browser interface; see Site Protection Server administration from a browser. The browser interface is useful for remotely controlling the license server when needed.


If there is a notification or a problem with the license server, the System Menu icon indicates that attention is required.


Monitoring and controlling the license server and licenses

Viewing usage history

Configuring access permissions


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