ArchLand00133.pngCreating roads

The Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products offer a variety of different tools and commands for creating roads, depending upon the complexity of the roadway. A road object can be set to be a site model modifier, and changes the proposed site model when the site model is updated.

Multiple roadway tools share the same position on the tool set. Click and hold the mouse on the visible tool to open the Pop-out tools list and select the desired tool.

       The Roadway (Poly) tool is the most straightforward, yet flexible way of creating a roadway in the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products.

       The Roadway (Custom Curb) tool joins roadways for Vectorworks Architect and Landmark users. This tool can model exits, merges, traffic circles, intersections, cul-de-sacs, dead ends, and more.

       The Roadway (NURBS) tool offers an alternative way of inserting a road on a site model, and is available in both the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products.

       The Vectorworks Landmark product includes commands that create a roadway from a polyline in several steps, with complete control over each step.

       For simple roadway representations in the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products, build sections of a road with the Roadway (Straight) and Roadway (Curved) tools, and connect them with the Roadway (Tee) tool.


Creating polyline roadways

Joining roadways with a custom curb

Creating NURBS roadways

Creating a roadway with the Vectorworks Landmark commands

Creating and joining straight and curved roadways


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