Land03525.pngEditing tag/label symbol definitions

The tag/label objects selected for use in the drawing become 2D symbol definitions, available from the Tag/Label Symbols folder in the Resource Manager. Edit the 2D component of the symbol definition as described in Editing symbol definitions. The symbol insertion point is also the shoulder point of the tag/label.


Possible edits:

Use the Attributes palette to change the geometry or text color.

Change the size of the text and/or the text box.

Apply a text style to the labels.

Remove or reposition the text or geometry.

Add geometry or text fields to the label. New fields must consist of the field number with a # on either side. After the symbol definition has been edited, the new field will require a value type assignment in the Tag/Label Edit dialog box; save the assignment in the symbol definition by clicking Save as Default.

Resource Manager

Adding labels to irrigation objects

Configuring and saving tag/labels


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