Elevation benchmarks


Tool set

Elevation Benchmark



Use the Elevation Benchmark tool to indicate the height of objects in section and elevation drawings. Benchmarks can be created in various contexts, to suit different design needs.

For a 2D drawing on a design layer, a benchmark reports its Y value in relation to a specified reference elevation or control point.

For a 3D drawing, benchmarks generally report their Z values, either as planar objects on a design layer, or as annotation objects in regular or section viewports. You can select different reference points, such as the ground plane, the design layer's Z value, or a custom elevation.

If a project has stories defined (Vectorworks Architect or Landmark required), you can link a benchmark to a story level. These objects can be placed either on design layers or in viewport annotations. See Elevation benchmarks and stories.

A number of common elevation benchmark styles are provided in the Vectorworks resource libraries. If you require a different graphic standard, create a custom style.



Elevation Benchmark at the End

Draws a leader line with the elevation benchmark at the end

Elevation Benchmark at the Beginning

Draws a leader line with the elevation benchmark at the beginning

Elevation Benchmark with no Leader

Draws the elevation benchmark with no leader line

Benchmark Datum

Specifies how the elevation value is calculated


If Benchmark Datum is set to a story level, offsets the benchmark from the story level elevation by the specified amount


Opens the Resource Selector to select a resource for placement; double-click a resource to activate it


Sets the default parameters for the tool; see Elevation benchmark settings

Adding an elevation benchmark

Elevation benchmarks and stories

Elevation benchmark settings


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