Elevation benchmark settings

These settings are available in the following locations:

Elevation Benchmark Preferences dialog box, when creating a new benchmark object

Elevation Benchmark Style dialog box, when editing a benchmark style

Elevation Benchmark Settings dialog box, when editing a benchmark object

Object Info palette, when editing a benchmark object

If a benchmark style is selected, only parameters set by instance can be edited (see Concept: Plug-in object styles).

Click to show/hide parametersClick to show/hide parameters.



Use Style

Opens the Resource Selector to select a resource for placement

Convert to Unstyled

If Use Style is currently set to a style, select this option to convert the object to unstyled; the current values are retained, but all parameters are set to By Instance to allow editing

Axis of Measure

Specifies whether the Y-axis (in 2D mode) or Z-axis (in 3D mode) is used for the elevation value

Benchmark Datum

Opens a list of options for calculating the benchmark's elevation value. The options available depend on whether the Axis of Measure is set to the Y or Z axis. 

Control Point: (Y-axis only) Allows the elevation value to be referenced from a control point displayed on the drawing, rather than from the active layer plane. If the control point is moved, the elevation value remains set by the distance from the control point to the elevation benchmark object. This allows you to set a control point at the ground floor of a house, for example, so that the elevation benchmark value is set according to the height from the ground floor.

User Reference (Z-axis): The elevation is the Z value of the elevation benchmark object, plus the elevation of the object's layer, minus the Reference Elevation value

User Reference (Y-axis): The elevation is the Y value of the elevation benchmark object, minus the Reference Elevation value

Custom: The elevation is the Custom Elevation value

Ground Plane: (Z-axis only) The elevation is the Z value of the elevation benchmark object, plus the elevation of the object’s layer

Design Layer Z: (Z-axis only) The elevation is the Z value of the elevation benchmark object 

<Story> or story level: (Z-axis only, Architect or Landmark required) The elevation is the selected story or story level elevation value; if desired, enter an Offset value

Reference Elevation

If Benchmark Datum is set to User Reference, specifies the reference elevation value

Custom Elevation

If Benchmark Datum is set to Custom, specifies the benchmark elevation value


(Architect or Landmark required)

If Benchmark Datum is set to a story or story level, specifies an offset from the story or story level's elevation value


If the benchmark layout includes a note, enter it here

Elevation Prefix

If the benchmark layout includes a prefix (such as +), enter it here

Elevation Suffix

If the benchmark layout includes a suffix (such as AMSL), enter it here

Primary Units

Specifies the units to use for the elevation value

Rounding Precision

Specifies the precision to use when rounding the elevation value

Show unit mark

Displays a unit mark along with the elevation value

Marker Scale Factor

Adjusts the elevation benchmark size

Use horizontal leader

Adds a leader line to the elevation benchmark object

Leader Line Style

If Use horizontal leader is selected, specifies a style for the leader line

Leader Pen Color

If Use horizontal leader is selected, specifies a color for the leader line

Apply pen foreground to all graphics

Select to apply the pen foreground color set in the Attributes palette to the benchmark graphics; this overrides the Leader Pen Color

Edit Marker Layout

Opens an editing window to define the geometry of the elevation benchmark and the text fields shown on it; see Editing the elevation benchmark layout. The preferences dialog box indicates whether this setting is by style or by instance, but it cannot be edited.

Object Info palette only


Replace, edit, or remove the current style, or (for unstyled objects only) create a new plug-in style (see Custom plug-in object styles without catalog options).

Editing a style changes all instances in the file that use the style.

Hide style parameters

Hides the parameters that are set by style; these cannot be edited from the Object Info palette


Opens the Elevation Benchmark Settings dialog box

Use leader offset

If Use horizontal leader is selected, offsets part of the leader line and the elevation value to improve readability; drag the handles to adjust the offset if needed

Editing the elevation benchmark layout

Edit the layout to adjust the text fields and 2D geometry in the elevation benchmark.

Select the benchmark, and click Edit Marker Layout from the Object Info palette to enter object editing mode (see Object editing mode). For a styled benchmark, see Editing plug-in object styles. The benchmark layout editing window opens.

Alternatively, right-click the benchmark and select Edit Marker Layout.

Use the Text tool to add static and/or dynamic text objects to the layout. From the Object Info palette, specify the appearance of the text; see Formatting text.

Static text simply shows the text on each object.

Dynamic text shows information from the drawing (for example, the story level) on each object, in place of the text object. To create dynamic text, select the text object and select Use dynamic text from the Object Info palette. Then click Define Elevation Benchmark Field to open the dialog box and define the field.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Field Label

Enter the text to display for this field in the benchmark layout

Field Definition


Current Field Definition

Variables are placed in this field when you specify a data source and click Add to Definition. The definition can include multiple data sources, static text or punctuation, and simple arithmetic operators. This field definition works the same way as the definition in the Define Tag Field dialog box for data tags; see Creating data tag styles.

Data Source

Specify the source of the data to display on the benchmark. Different options are available depending on the source.

Object Parameters: Select the Parameter Name to use (for example, Elevation).

Object Function: Select an object-specific Object Function to use (for example, Story).

If you select a numeric data source (for example, the Elevation object parameter), additional fields display for setting the Units and/or Precision to show on the benchmark. Select Show unit mark to show a unit mark along with the unit value.

Add to Definition

After you select the details for a data source, this button adds to the variables in the Current Field Definition window

Edit or add 2D geometry such as arcs, circles, and lines to the layout, if desired.

Use the layout constraints on the Object Info palette to control the positions of the text and 2D objects on the benchmark. The options available depend on the type of object.

Click to show/hide the constraints.Click to show/hide the constraints.



Constrain object distance from boundary

Constrains the distance of the selected object from the left and right boundary

Fix width

For 2D graphic objects, deselect this option to scale the object horizontally to fit the bounding box when necessary

Exit object editing mode to update the object and return to normal drawing mode.

Elevation benchmarks

Elevation benchmarks and stories


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