ConnectCADCreating a 2D rack contents worksheet



Make Rack Equipment Worksheet

Context menu

This command creates a worksheet listing the equipment installed at each rack position on a 2D equipment rack, and it places the worksheet on the right side of the rack. This shows the details of what is mounted at the rack U position opposite the worksheet row, which is helpful at installation.

To create a 2D rack contents worksheet:

In the Rack Elevation design layer, right-click on a 2D equipment rack and select the command.

The Rack Equipment Columns dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Drag and drop a number to a different location to change the display order of columns in the worksheet


Select which columns to include in the worksheet. A check mark in the Use column indicates that the column will be included.


Displays the column names that can be included in the worksheet

Select All Columns / Deslect All Columns

Either select all of the columns, or deselect all of the columns

Select the worksheet columns and their display order.

The 2D rack contents worksheet is placed on the right side of the rack.


Concept: Worksheet overview

Editing worksheets

Creating ConnectCAD reports

Placing equipment racks


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