Radial dimensioning


Workspace: Tool set


Radial Dimension

Fundamentals: Dims/Notes

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight: Basic and Dims/Notes

, (comma)

The Radial Dimension tool measures and marks either radius or diameter dimensions for arcs and circles. This tool does not work on ovals or objects with rounded corners.

The Radial Dimension tool can place the dimension lines and measurements either inside or outside of the circle/arc. This tool always creates the dimension on the same plane with the arc or circle that is being dimensioned.




Internal Diametrical

Dimensions the diameter of a circle or arc, placing the dimension inside the object

External Diametrical

Dimensions the diameter of a circle or arc, placing the dimension outside the object

Interior Radial

Dimensions the radius of a circle or arc, placing the dimension inside the object

External Radial

Dimensions the radius of a circle or arc, placing the dimension outside the object

Left-Hand Shoulder

Places an exterior measurement with the dimension text to the left of the dimension leader shoulder

Right-Hand Shoulder

Places an exterior measurement with the dimension text to the right of the dimension leader shoulder

Dim Std

To change the dimension standard for new dimensions created in the document, select a standard from the list; select Custom Standards to create or manage custom dimensions (see Using custom dimension standards)

Acotación diametral dentro de un círculo o arco

Acotación diametral fuera de un círculo o arco

Radial dimensioning inside circle/arc

Radial dimensioning outside circle/arc

Edición de cotas

Acotación con asociación


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