DesignSeries02331.pngEditing slab drainage elements



Tool set



Slab Drainage


Building Shell

The Slab Drainage tool’s Edit mode allows you to manipulate drains, drain valleys, slope valleys, and slope markers both by physically relocating them using a control point and by changing slab geometry via measurements and settings. Ridges, slope faces, curbs, and valley labels cannot be directly edited; they can only be modified by editing the slab drainage elements that create the geometry.

You may select multiple objects for simultaneous editing, but they must be objects of the same type, such as multiple drains or multiple slope valleys. If multiple objects are selected, editing by control point is not possible.

When moving existing drains, snap points are generated for the drain and its associated slope valleys, because they may have different slopes or angles.

To move a slab drainage element with a control point:

Select the slab object.

Click the tool and mode.

Control points appear on all drains, valleys, and markers that can be physically relocated.

Click on the control point of the object to relocate, and click again to place the object.

The object is moved. When drains and valleys are relocated, drainage elements associated with them are also moved as dictated by slab geometry.

Edición de desagües pluviales

Edición de limahoyas que conectan desagües pluviales

Editing slope valleys

Corrección de errores en los desagües pluviales de losa


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