Land03509.pngPlacing valves


Tool set




The Valve tool places an irrigation valve with parameters from a selected manufacturer or a custom valve with parameters that can be specified after placement. Various valves provide a wide array of functions in an irrigation system. Depending on the type of valve, different parameters are available.

Control or zone valves connect the system’s main line to the associated lateral lines and downstream outlets.

Master valves connect the entire irrigation system to the water source near the point of connection.

Zone kit valves consist of valve, filter, and regulator in preassembled kits.

A valve added to a pipe splits the existing pipe in two.

To place valves on the drawing:

Click the tool.

Click Valve from the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector. Select from one of the manufacturer libraries, or select the custom valve from Custom.vwx and set its properties after placement.

Click once to place the valve. If placing the valve over an existing pipe or irrigation pipe network, the connecting pipe is highlighted and the valve is automatically connected to the network.

Adjust the location of the valve labels by dragging the label control point.


The valve parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette. Available parameters depend on the valve type.



Save Valve

Saves the selected valve as a red symbol definition in the active file; this would typically be done for a custom valve, or a valve with modified catalog data

Valve Name

Names the object, which is useful for labels, irrigation schedules, and other worksheets


Adds a note about the object, which is useful for labels, irrigation schedules, and other worksheets, and also for making notes when saving red symbol definitions

Valve Type

Indicates the type of valve

Zone ID

For valves that control a zone, provide an identifier label for informational purposes

Display in Drawing

Select either Design Information or Calculated Information to affect the display of all calculated values and coverage zones in the drawing; see Concept: Design and calculation parameters for irrigation 

Design Information


Input Pressure

Specifies the designed input pressure that reaches the valve

Output Pressure

Indicates the designed pressure that exits the valve

Pressure Loss

Specifies any pressure loss caused by the valve


Indicates the flow rate through the valve when the outlets in its zone operate as specified

Calculated Information


Input Pressure

Displays the input pressure expected to reach the valve when it is connected to a network

Output Pressure

Displays the pressure expected to exit the valve

Output Pressure = Input Pressure - Pressure Loss

Pressure Loss

Displays the pressure loss that occurs within the valve


Indicates the flow rate through the valve as a result of the outlets in its zone operating at their received pressure

Catalog Data


Get From Catalog

Opens the Catalog dialog box, for obtaining catalog data for the selected object (typically, this is for adding catalog data to a custom object that has none). See Concepto: uso del catálogo de riego .


Displays the catalog data

Decoder (2-wire)

(control, master, zone kit)

Specifies the presence of an electronic 2-wire controller component

Pressure Regulation

(control, master, zone kit)

Indicates the use of a pressure regulator; specify the regulated pressure, which prevents the design and calculated Output Pressure value from rising above the regulated limit. Zone Kit valves always have pressure regulation.

Regulated Pressure

(control, master, zone kit)

Sets the regulated pressure limit

Flow Control

(control, master, zone kit)

Indicates the presence of a flow control limiter


(control, master, zone kit)

Indicates that the valve carries non-potable water

Comment 1–4

(isolation, shut off, air relief, vent, check drain, other)

Additional comment fields allow further specifications/information to be added to the catalog data

Modify Catalog Data

Makes the data fields editable; modify the data, which can then be saved as a custom entry in the catalog

Save In Catalog

Opens the Catalog Item Edit dialog box, where the custom data can be further edited and then added to the catalog



Symbol Name

Displays the name of the symbol used to represent the valve

Replace Symbol

Selects a valve symbol; choose the symbol from the appropriate category

Symbol Scale

Scales the symbol with respect to the layer scale by the specified scale factor; a factor of less than one decreases the size of the symbol, while a factor of more than one increases its size

Attach Tag/Label

Automatically attaches a Tag/Label object to the object. The last selected tag/label for the object type is applied; click the tag/label to edit its properties (see Adición de rótulos a objetos de riego ).

Show Input Pressure

Places a pressure label on the drawing

Show Flow

Places a flow rate label on the drawing

Sizing pipes

Concepto: uso del catálogo de riego

Concepto: creación de redes de riego conectadas

Adición de rótulos a objetos de riego

Irrigation system warnings

Irrigation settings


Using preformatted reports


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