The Object Info palette: Data tab

Use the Data tab of the Object Info palette to attach and detach record formats for one or more selected objects, as well as add or change record data.

When an Energos system record format is attached to an object (Vectorworks Architect required), additional Energos Project Settings and Edit Values options become available; see Designación de objetos de dibujo como sistemas personalizados de Energos.

The Data tab also attaches, displays, and allows editing of IFC data (Vectorworks Design Suite required).

If you are using data from an external database, you can create and manage the connection information from this tab.

If you selected multiple objects, select either Multiple Edit or Individual Edit mode, as described in Edición de objetos múltiples.

Edición de datos de objeto

Cómo adjuntar formatos de registro a símbolos, objetos y materiales

Assigning IFC data to objects

Conectividad de base de datos

The Object Info palette: Shape tab

The Object Info palette: Render tab

La paleta Información del objeto


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