List box functionality

Dialog boxes that contain long lists of information (such as the Organization dialog box) may have some or all of the following functionality.



Change the list’s sort key

Click the heading of the column to sort by; an arrow on the right side of the column heading indicates that it is the sort key

Reverse the sort order

Click the heading of the sort key column to toggle the sort between ascending and descending order

Change a row’s position in an ordered list

Click a row’s #/sorting column and drag to the desired position in the list

Resize a column

Click the vertical line on the right side of a column’s heading and drag it left or right

Edit a field with the mouse

Mac: Hover the cursor over an editable field to display an icon (either a pencil  or a down arrow); click the icon to edit the field. If the editable field is within a selected row, click the field to edit it.

Windows: Click an editable field to display a blue outline around it; click again to edit the field.

Edit a field with the keyboard

Use the arrow keys to navigate around the editable fields in the list box. Press the F2 key (Windows) or Space Bar (Mac) to edit the highlighted field.

Select a group of rows

Click the first row, and then Shift-click the last row in the group

Select multiple rows individually

Click the first row, and then Command-click (Mac) or Ctrl-click (Windows) each additional row

Edit a row on the list

Double-click the row to open a dialog box for editing

Open a context menu for a row on the list

Right-click the row

For lists with a Visibility column, set the same visibility for all rows on the list

Option-click (Mac) or Alt-click (Windows) the desired setting

Display lists of classes in hierarchical order

To enable or disable hierarchical display of classes on pop-up menus in the Object Info palette, the View bar, and other dialog boxes, see Vectorworks preferences: Session pane.

To enable hierarchical display in the Classes tab of the Organization dialog box and the Navigation palette (Vectorworks Design Suite required), see Presentación de clases en orden jerárquico.

Ventana de aplicación

Presentación de clases en orden jerárquico


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