Palette display options

You can set up the display of palettes, and individual tabs in multiple-tab palettes, to make the most of your working space and keep the elements and tools you use most where you want them.

Most palettes/tabs can be resized by the standard Windows or Mac resize method.

The visibility of palettes, and of individual tabs on multiple-tab palettes, can be toggled on and off (see Control de la visibilidad de paletas y pestañas).

Individual tabs can be detached from multiple-tab palettes and positioned as needed, or their order can be resequenced within the palette (see Cómo desasociar las pestañas de paleta y devolverlas a la paleta original).

Palettes and detached tabs can be minimized while not in use (see Minimizing palettes).

Palettes and tabs can be docked to the application window (see Acoplamiento de paletas).

Tool palettes have a special set of features, as described in Tool palette features.

Each time you exit the Vectorworks program, the current palette settings and positions are automatically saved for each workspace in a file in your user folder ([User]\Settings\SavedSettings.xml). The settings in this user file override the initial palette settings in the workspace file. To reset to the original workspace settings, click Reset Saved Settings from the Vectorworks preferences: Session pane.

Palettes and tool sets

Control de la visibilidad de paletas y pestañas

Cómo desasociar las pestañas de paleta y devolverlas a la paleta original

Minimizing palettes

Acoplamiento de paletas

Tool palette features

Saving palette positions and settings

Ventana de aplicación


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