DesignSeries05130.pngSetting horizontal section viewport cut planes and extents

You can control the cut plane and extents of a horizontal section viewport itself, and you can also create different settings for individual 3D objects when viewed within the horizontal section viewport.

When the section viewport is created from a clip cube, the cut plane and extents are automatically set to match the clip cube.

To set the cut plane and extents:

Click Cut Plane and Extents from one of the following locations, and set the parameters in the Cut Plane and Extents dialog box.

The Create Horizontal Section Viewport dialog box

The Object Info palette or Properties dialog box of a horizontal section viewport

The Cut Plane and Display dialog box for one or more selected eligible objects; see Presentación de objetos tridimensionales en encuadres de sección

The Cut Plane and Extents dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Cut Plane Height

Sets the cut plane height for the viewport or for selected objects, depending on the selection when the dialog box is opened


Sets the cut plane infinitely high; objects display as uncut in the viewport

Finite Height

Locates the cut plane at the defined height relative to the elevation of the selected layer, story, or story level

Relative to

Select the layer, story, or level to serve as the height reference

Extents Below/Above Cut Plane

Sets the display below/above the cut plane for the viewport or for the selected objects, depending on the selection when the dialog box is opened


Displays all visible geometry below/above the cut plane

Finite Depth

Displays visible geometry above/below the cut plane within the defined height relative to the elevation of the selected layer, story, or story level

Relative to

Select the layer, story, or level to serve as the height reference

The cut plane and extents are set for the viewport, or for the selected objects, depending on how the dialog box was accessed.

Creación de encuadres de sección horizontal

Propiedades avanzadas de encuadre de sección


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