The Select Function dialog box

The Select Function dialog box adds functions or fields to formulas in a worksheet, or to a condition or field mapping in the Data Manager.

From the Select from list on the left, select the general type of data to work with: records, functions, or styles. In a worksheet, if Vectorworks Design Suite is installed, you can also select from data sheets, and IFC or COBie data. Then from the list on the right, select a more specific category within that data type; to filter a long list, enter text in the search field above the list.

The options available in the Function/Field pane depend on the selections in the Select from lists. To filter a long list, enter text in the search field above the Function/Field pane.

Select a function or field from the list and click OK to add it to the formula.

Inserting a function

Creación o edición de fórmulas de asignación


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