Creating reference markers


Tool set

Reference Marker


The Reference Marker tool indicates the drawing number and sheet number of a referenced drawing.



Towards Target Object

If Use leader is selected in the preferences, the first click places the marker, and the second click specifies the target object

Towards Reference Marker

If Use leader is selected in the preferences, the first click specifies the target object, and the second click places the marker


Opens the Resource Selector to select a marker for placement; double-click a resource to activate it


Sets the default parameters that are used for each new marker object

To create a reference marker:

Click the tool and mode.

Do one of the following:

Click Style on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Click Preferences to open the object properties dialog box and specify the tool’s default parameters.

The parameters can be edited later from the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Replace the current style with one from the Resource Selector, or use the unstyled option

Hide style parameters

Hides the parameters that are set by style; these cannot be edited from the properties dialog box or Object Info palette

Linked Viewport

(Design Suite product required)

Specifies which viewport the marker references.

When the Display broken link indicators for smart markers Vectorworks preference is enabled, a red broken link icon is displayed next to a marker that isn’t linked to a viewport (see Vectorworks preferences: Display pane); the icon does not print.

If you delete the linked viewport, you can specify whether to delete linked markers or leave the unlinked markers in place.

Drawing Title/ Drawing Number/ Sheet Number

Identifies the item the marker references. If the marker is linked to a viewport, the information for the viewport is displayed, and cannot be edited.


Optional text that can be displayed in the marker layout

Arrow Angle

For a style that has an arrow on the marker, specifies the angle of the arrow

Use leader

Draws a leader line with the marker; specify the leader parameters

Leader Type

Select line, arc, or Bézier as the line type

Shoulder Length

Enter a default length for the leader shoulder in page units, or enter 0 (zero) for no shoulder; after placement, you can move the shoulder control point to adjust the length

Leader Radius

If the Leader Type is arc, enter the arc radius in page units

Leader/Shoulder Class

Select an existing class, or create a new class. Select <Reference Marker Class> to place the leader in the same class as the reference marker object.

Horizontal Position

Specify whether to extend the shoulder left or right from the leader line; select Auto to vary the shoulder position automatically according to the marker position

Marker Angle

Specify the angle of the shoulder line (0 = horizontal)

Marker Scale Factor

Scales the marker larger or smaller by the factor specified

If the marker has no leader, simply click to place the marker. Otherwise, click twice, to place the marker and the end of the leader line separately.

If the marker has a leader, you can select a line end marker from the Attributes palette (see Marker attributes).

Editing reference markers

Once a marker is in the drawing, you can edit it from the Object Info palette. The following additional options are available when editing reference markers.



Style list options

Replace: Applies a different style to this object

Convert to Unstyled: Allows you to modify the settings and marker layout for this object only

Edit Style: Allows you to modify the settings and marker layout for all objects in the drawing that use the current style

See Creating styles for markers and drawing labels for details.

Navigate to Viewport

(Design Suite product required)

For a marker that is linked to a viewport, navigates to the viewport

Edit Marker Layout

(unstyled markers)

Opens an editing window to change the geometry and text in the marker; see Creating styles for markers and drawing labels


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