Default story levels



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Layer Options

Class Options

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Story levels are created by combining a level type (a short name that describes what the story level represents) and an elevation offset relative to the story. Level types must be defined as described below before story levels are created. There are standard default level types and default story levels available in each new file. Each story can contain several story levels, as appropriate for that story. 

A story level can be used as a vertical boundary for bounded objects in its story (such as walls, slabs, and so on) or for the story above or below it. You can select the pre-defined levels when creating a story, or, for projects that require custom level types, create customized default levels before creating the stories.

Level elevation can be edited relative to the story; levels are offset vertically from the elevation of the story that contains them.

The levels designated here will be available when stories are created. In addition to being used as an elevation reference, levels can also be associated with layers that contain the drawing objects such as furniture, fixtures, walls, windows, and so on.

To create or edit default story levels:

Select the command, or click either Layer Options or Class Options on the View bar, and then select Show Organization Dialog Box.

The Organization dialog box opens; see The Organization dialog box.

Click the Stories tab.

If needed, click Level Types to add or remove level types appropriate for your project.

Click Default Story Levels.

The Default Story Levels dialog box opens, listing the currently defined default levels, their level types and elevation offsets (offset from the story elevation), and any associated layers.

Click New to create a new default story level, or select a default level and click Edit.

The New Default Story Level or Edit Default Story Level dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Level Type

Select the type of level from the list of standard levels. By default, several level types are available, such as slab, finish floor, and ceiling. To create a custom level type, select New Level Type from the Level Type list.

The New Level Type dialog box opens. Enter the name of the new type of level.


Sets the elevation of the level, relative to the story

Create Layer

Creates a design layer, and associates the level with the layer. When a level is only being used as an elevation reference for bounded objects, an associated layer is not needed.

Each level type can be associated with only one design layer in each story; we recommend associating levels to story layers only when you need layer elevations, and not only bounded objects, to be controlled by the story's levels. If there are multiple design layers at the same elevation (for example 1-Floor and 1-Slab at elevation 0'0"), it's better to define the layer elevation relative to the story in the Edit Design Layers dialog box. (See Setting design layer properties.)

When an associated layer is no longer required and Create Layer is deselected, an alert displays. Select Yes to delete the layer, or No to keep the layer in the file but disassociate it from the level.


Specifies the name of the associated layer. This name is used with a story-specific prefix or suffix to create the actual layer name.


Click Scale to set the scale for the associated layer; see Design layer scale

Layer Wall Height

Sets the default height for walls and columns on the associated layer, if the wall and column settings define the top height by the layer wall height

Use Elevation Benchmark

Includes an elevation benchmark when this level is shown in viewports. If selected, you can use the Unstyled option, or select a benchmark style to use from the Resource Selector. See Elevation benchmarks and stories.

Once the default story level has been defined or modified, click OK to return to the Default Story Levels dialog box.

Once the default story levels in the list have been defined or modified, click OK to return to the Organization dialog box.

Stories can now be created. They will use the default information specified to create the levels associated with the stories.

Managing level types

Available story levels can be managed from the Organization dialog box.

To manage available level types:

From the Organization dialog box, click the Stories tab.

Click Level Types.

The Level Types dialog box opens. Specify the level types that are available by default when creating stories.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Level Type Name

Lists the current default level types


Opens the New Level Type dialog box, to create a new level type


Opens the Edit Level Type dialog box, to edit the name of the level type


Deletes the currently selected level type

Creating and managing stories

Concept: Stories and story-aware objects

Workflow: Model setup with stories

Setting up the building structure with stories

Standard naming


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