Editing graphic legends

To edit a graphic legend style, see Editing plug-in object styles.

To edit one or more graphic legend objects:

To access all editing options, select the object and edit the settings from the Object Info palette. For a styled object, you can use the Style list options to replace the style or convert the object to be unstyled if necessary.

To edit the layout, do one of the following:

Click Edit Cell Layout or Edit Title Layout from the Object Info palette

Right-click the object and select Edit Cell Layout or Edit Title Layout

Right-click the object and select Edit (or double-click the object); from the Select Edit Method dialog box, select the option to edit the cell or title layout

To edit annotations and auto-dimensions, do one of the following:

Right-click the object and select Edit Annotations

Double-click the object and select the option to edit annotations from the Select Edit Method dialog box

To undo annotation edits, right-click the object and select a command from the context menu:

Remove All Annotations removes all annotations that are not auto-dimensions

Recreate All Auto-dimensions removes all edits to auto-dimensions

To recalculate graphic legends after editing, do one of the following:

Select one or more legends and click Recalculate from the Object Info palette

Right-click one or more selected legends and select Recalculate Selected Graphic Legends

Right-click a legend and select Recalculate All Graphic Legends

Double-click editing shortcut

Graphic legends

Graphic legend settings


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