Concept: Page-based and world-based units

Difficulty: Beginner

Hatch, line type, symbol, and data tag resources can be set to use either page-based or world-based units, depending on how the resource will be used.

Page-based: When used in the drawing, the resource scales relative to the page environment. One inch in the resource definition equals one inch on the screen (at 100% zoom). This is useful for annotation objects that should always remain the same size on the "page," regardless of the layer scale. In the Resource Manager, the names of page-based resources are shown in green.

World-based: When used in the drawing, the resource scales relative to world dimensions; its size varies depending on the layer scale. One inch in the resource definition equals one inch in the drawing area, as defined by the rulers. In the Resource Manager, the names of world-based resources are shown in black.

For the data tag below, the units are based on the page dimensions. If you change the layer scale, the tag size stays the same relative to the page. The tag size changes relative to other drawing objects.

Page-based tag at 1:24 scale (left)
and 1:48 scale (right)

The units in the data tag below are based on world dimensions. If you change the layer scale, the tag size changes relative to the page. The tag size stays the same relative to other drawing objects.

World-based tag at 1:2 scale (left)
and 1:3 scale (right)

Defining and editing hatches

Defining and editing line types

Creating symbol definitions

Creating data tag styles


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