Object visibility changes using the Visibility tool



Tool set





Use the Visibility tool to change the visibility of clicked objects in the drawing area or viewports. Hidden objects cannot be snapped to or selected, they're invisible in viewports, and they won't print or export.

Objects mode isn't available in certain situations, such as when editing a symbol or editing the 2D components of a plug-in object.

Objects that are hidden in the drawing area are shown "ghosted" (transparent with a light blue tint), by default. In the Vectorworks preferences and Quick Preferences menu, you can change hidden objects to be invisible, if desired. Alternatively, use the V shortcut key to toggle between invisible and ghosted display; the shortcut key can be customized (see Modifying special shortcuts).

To change object visibility for a clicked object:

Click the tool and mode.

Select whether to make the object Visible or Hidden. In the drawing area, if Visible mode is selected, objects that have been hidden are shown ghosted; otherwise, hidden objects are visible or not, according to the hidden objects display preference.

Move the cursor to highlight the desired drawing object. A screen tip indicates the object that will be changed, as well as its current visibility setting. If the object is in a viewport, the screen tip also indicates the layer and drawing number of the viewport.

Click the object to make it visible or hidden.

Unhiding objects

In addition to using the Visible mode of the Visibility tool, you can unhide objects as follows.

To make all hidden objects visible, click the Unhide Objects button in the upper right corner of the drawing area, or select View > Unhide Objects.

To make specific hidden objects visible, right-click one or more hidden objects and select Force Select. From the Object Info palette, click Unhide Objects, or use the Unhide Objects button or Unhide Objects menu command to make the selected objects visible.

Use a shortcut to make all hidden objects visible; see Visibility tool shortcuts.

To make hidden objects in a viewport visible, click Reset Object Visibility in the Object Info palette and then update the viewport.

To toggle between a large or small Unhide Objects button, change the Edit Group and Object Visibility Options setting on the Quick Preferences menu.

Hiding an object so that another object can be selected

The Visibility tool

Object visibility commands

Visibility tool behavior in embedded viewports


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