SpotlightMulti cable connections



Workspace: Tool set


Schematic Distributor


Design Suite, Spotlight: Cable/Power Planning

ConnectCAD: Cable Route

Distributor and Schematic Distributor modes both connect distributors to electrical devices. The first mode patches electrical devices to a distributor by creating cables that follow a drawn path. The second mode also connects distributors and electrical devices, but it draws the connection as a direct link, to clearly identify the devices plugged into the distributor.

The number of electrical devices that can be connected is equal to the number of outputs on the distributor.

To connect a distributor to multiple electrical devices:

Click the tool and mode.

If desired, click Cable Style on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Click the appropriate mode in the Tool bar to select the creation method for the cable. For more information on the polyline tool modes, see Creating polylines.

Click on the source distributor; the first click must be on a distributor object with outputs. The Select Output dialog box opens. See Selecting the output. (If the option to select the next free output is selected, the dialog box does not open.)

Do one of the following:

In Distributor mode, if a cable path exists, the cable will snap to it. If the option to Automatically follow paths when a cable is drawn is selected in the Cable Preferences, the cable follows existing truss system and cable paths to make the connection. The new cable can use all or part of the path. Click on the path at the desired entry point. The cable will exit the path at the end of the cable path closest to the next click; continue clicking to complete the cable run. 

To exit the cable path before the end of the path, press the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac) while drawing the cable.

In Distributor mode, if not using a cable path, click on a blank space to set a path for the cable to follow on its way to the devices it connects to. Set the end of the segment and the beginning of the next, snapping to existing geometry. As you place the cable, compatible objects such as distributors, electrical devices, other cables, and trusses are highlighted; click to connect. If the option to Automatically follow paths when a cable is drawn is selected in the Cable Preferences, the cable follows the existing truss system to make the connection. Continue drawing segments in this manner and double-click when the cable is complete. 

Schematic Distributor mode does not make use of a cable path, since it's a schematic depiction. Click on the first device to connect to, and then continue to click on the remaining devices to connect.

A cable connects each output from the distributor to the electrical device, either following the path drawn in Distributor mode, or with a direct path in Schematic Distributor mode. Depending on the Cable Preferences, the connector cables can appear curved for easy identification.


Drawing cables

Editing cables

Placing distributors

Drawing cable paths

Managing cable parts

Setting cable preferences

Creating a cable report

Numbering objects at placement

Cables and power planning


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