Editing a camera's speed

By default, the camera spends an equal amount of time at each keyframe on an animation path, to make up the total Duration. You can adjust the speed so the camera moves at different speeds on different parts of the path.

Speed is adjusted by keyframe, and each keyframe’s speed is set relative to all the other keyframes. So, for instance, a 30-second animation with all the keyframes to set to 100% results in the same camera speed for each keyframe. The camera will take 30 seconds to travel the path, with an equal time spent on each keyframe. However, if some of the keyframes are set to a slower or faster speed, the camera changes its speed accordingly there, and still maintains the same overall Duration by relatively adjusting other keyframe speeds.

To edit the camera's speed along an animation path:

Set the Duration to the desired time, if an adjustment is needed.

This parameter is linked to the Duration in the Create Movie dialog box; changing the value in either place changes it in both places.

Select a keyframe, and change the Speed in the Object Info palette relative to the speeds of the other keyframes. The camera moves more slowly near keyframes where the speed is negative and more quickly near keyframes where the speed is positive, with larger numbers in either direction increasing the effect.

Repeat for other individual keyframes as needed.

Display Frames in the Object Info palette refers not to keyframes but to camera frames in the animation/movie. When selected, it displays hash marks for each camera frame on the path. More camera frames around a keyframe indicate the camera moves more slowly in that area. Fewer frames indicate the camera moves more quickly along that part of the path.

Editing animations

Animation path properties


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