ConnectCADPlacing a basic device or device symbol


Workspace: Tool set


Design Suite, Spotlight: ConnectCAD Schematics

ConnectCAD: Schematics

The Device tool places a basic device that you can customize, or a device symbol definition. The tool also transfers device properties from one device to another.




Inserts a generic device with no sockets, ready to customize

Standard Insertion

Inserts a device from the Device Symbol list of symbol definitions

Pick Up

Copies device characteristics for transfer; see Transferring device properties


Pastes device characteristics

Single Click

(Standard Insertion mode)

Places a single device at the click location

Linear Array

(Standard Insertion mode)

Places an array of devices along the drawn line

Device Symbol

(Standard Insertion mode)

Opens the Resource Selector to select a device resource for placement; double-click a resource to activate it

Eyedropper Transfer Preferences

Sets the default transfer items and methods

To add a device:

Do one of the following:

Click the tool and click Rectangle mode to place a basic, generic device.

Click the tool, click Standard Insertion mode, and then click Device Symbol on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Symbols from the System Symbols folder are not available for placement by the Device tool.

Open the Resource Manager, open the folder containing the devices saved with the file or in the user folder, and then double-click a device. The tool and Standard Insertion mode are activated, and the Tool bar displays the Device Symbol name.

Place the device. The placement method depends on the selected mode and sub-mode.

In Rectangle mode, click once to set the start point; move the cursor to the opposite corner until the desired size is previewed. Click to insert the device.


In Single Click sub-mode, click once to place the selected symbol instance.


In Linear Array sub-mode, click once to start the array; move the cursor to set the distance and direction of the linear array. Press the Shift key to constrain to the horizontal or vertical direction. The preview indicates the spacing and placement of the objects; the floating Data bar shows the Count. Click to place them.

In Standard Insertion mode with a symbol selected, the device can be placed in the drawing on its own or placed into an existing circuit. To be placed into a circuit, the device needs an input on the left and and output on the right, horizontally opposite. 

As the devices are placed, they are automatically numbered. Sequential autonumbering continues for devices with the same name prefix. Select an existing device, and then select the Device tool, to restart the numbering from that device on.

Device parameters

The device parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette. To complete a basic device, the next step is to add sockets as described in Adding sockets, loops, and terminators.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.





Device Name

Enter the name of the device

Device Type

Displays the type of device for specialized devices or distribution amplifiers; for regular devices, <generic> displays


Displays the symbol selected for the device label; select a different symbol definition from the list if desired. The options include different locations for the tag and description labels.

Display Tag

Enter the tag name (normally this is the name of the device) for display on the drawing


Enter a description, such as the manufacturer and model name, for display on the drawing


Enter the make and model for use in reports

Save as Symbol

Saves the device (and its sockets) as a symbol definition that can be accessed for editing from the Resource Manager, and placed on the drawing with Standard Insertion mode. Enter the name of the new symbol.

Save to Database

Opens the Device Builder dialog box. You can review and, if necessary, edit information about the device and its sockets. The device is saved to the database, and it is available in the Device Builder dialog box. (See Saving a device to the database.)




Enter the dimensions of the device. Devices with dimensions of 0 are considered virtual devices, which cannot be associated with equipment items.

Power (W)

Enter the power requirements of the device in watts

Auto BTU calculation

Automatically converts the power requirements of the device from watts to BTU units (BTU = power in watts x 3.41)


To enter power requirements manually, deselect Auto BTU calculation and enter the power requirements of the device in BTU units

Weight (kg)

Enter the device’s weight in kilograms

Height RU

Select the height of the device in rack units

Rack Width

Select whether the width of the device is constrained by the half or the full width of the equipment rack. Select non-rack to use any width, unconstrained by the rack or not placed within a rack. (See the Rack Width description in Placing equipment.)




Indicates that the device is a module that fits in a rack frame

Number of slots

For modular devices, enter the number of frame slots required in a rack frame


If an associated equipment item already exists in the layout, displays the device location; otherwise, if you want to assign the device to a layout, enter the location for the corresponding equipment item


Enter (or displays) the name of the room.

If this value matches the Room ID of a layout room, the device is assigned to the layout room. Any equipment item associated with the device will be located in the layout room. Similarly, if the value matches the Name from the Data tab of the Object Info palette of a space object, an associated equipment item is located within the space. (See Creating equipment items automatically and Creating spaces with the Space tool.)


Enter (or displays) the name of the equipment rack; the rack name displays on the device

Rack U

Select (or displays) the position of the device in rack units; the value displays on the device


Enter (or displays) the slot position, if the device is placed in a rack frame

Edit Device Array

This functionality is not available for this type of device

Show Equipment

Navigates to the equipment item or rack frame that the device is linked to, when it is associated. (See Placing equipment and Placing a rack frame.)

Building a device

Placing specialized devices

Transferring device properties

Adding sockets, loops, and terminators

Editing devices, sockets, and adapters

Placing devices

Creating equipment items automatically



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