Arc length dimensioning


Tool set

Arc Length Dimension


The Arc Length Dimension tool measures and dimensions the length of an arc anywhere along its circumference. The dimension can be shown with its witness lines perpendicular to a chord on the arc, or perpendicular to a line tangent to the arc. There are also modes to hide or show a graphic of an arc over the dimension measurement.

This tool works with arcs, polylines that include arc segments, arc-based 3D objects, and curved walls. It always creates the dimension on the same plane as the arc that is being dimensioned.



Witness Lines Perpendicular to Chord

Dimensions the arc with witness lines that would be perpendicular to a chord drawn across the arc

Witness Lines Perpendicular to Tangent

Dimensions the arc with witness lines that would be perpendicular to a line drawn tangent to the arc

Arc Indicator Visible

Displays an arc graphic over the dimension measurement

Arc Indicator Invisible

Uses a dimension measurement with no arc graphic


To change the dimension standard for new dimensions created in the document, select a standard from the list; select Custom Standards to create or manage custom dimensions (see Using custom dimension standards)


Select the units to use for this tool, or create a custom unit; see Using custom units for dimensions

To create an arc length dimension:

Click the tool and modes, and then select a Standard (dimension standard) and the Units.

Click to set the measurement start point.

Click to set the end of the measurement.

Move the cursor away from the object.

This specifies how far the dimension line is offset from the measured object.

Click to place the dimension line.



Editing dimensions

Associative dimensioning


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