PSN and DMX transforms for scene objects

PosiStageNet (PSN) is an open source protocol that allows both pre-programming and active control of object movement and rotation. The position and orientation of Vectorworks objects like trusses or scenery can be controlled using PSN or DMX protocols. This is useful to “fly” a truss object over the stage in various positions, or to move stage objects on stage and off stage at various cues, when Showcase is active.

Define PSN and DMX automation by attaching special Xform_DMX and Xform_PSN record formats to the objects. These formats are included in the Spotlight default template file.

If you are exporting to an external previz program, such as Vision, you can define the transforms there.

PSN transforms

PSN data originates from the PSN server; a unique identifier, called a PSN Tracker ID, must be identical in the attached record in Vectorworks and on the PSN server. when Showcase is active, when PSN server data on the network matches the PSN Tracker ID for an object or layer, the PSN data is applied and the object rotates and/or moves. 

Specify the PSN absolute origin in the Showcase preferences.

Use PSN transforms to rotate and move items in the scene. PSN can perform rotations simultaneously on the X, Y, and Z axes. Movement is independent from the object’s rotation. To account for occasional inaccuracies in the PSN data, there are several PSN position parameters. For example, you may need to add an offset along one axis to position the object correctly after it receives the data from the PSN server.

To transform an object in PSN mode:

Select the object.

Obtain a unique PSN Tracker ID for the object from the PSN server.

Attach the Xform_PSN record format to the object. See Attaching record formats to a symbol instance or object.

Select the record, and complete the record information, from the Data tab of the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Tracker ID

Enter the unique PSN Tracker ID for the object or layer from the PSN server


Select whether to use world or local (relative) coordinates. World coordinates ignore all object position and rotation fields for the object and all of its parents, using only the PSN data sent from the server. Local coordinates apply the object and all of its parent's position and rotation values, in addition to the PSN data.

Axis Order

If the default is not correct, specify the axis order. This determines which axes indicate right, up, and depth. PSN standards specify that X is right, Y is up, and Z is depth.

Rotation Order

If the default is not correct, select the rotation order. This determines the multiplication order of the angles. PSN standards do not specify an axis rotation order, but in Vectorworks, the default order is set to YXZ.

Unit Scale Factor

PSN specifications use meters. Some PSN data may be in inches or millimeters or any other arbitrary unit of data. If needed, enter a value in PSN Unit Scale Factor to act as a multiplier for PSN data values, so that the data work properly.

Position Offset

Enter the PSN Position Offset values for each axis; this is useful when the origin of the Vectorworks file does not align with the origin on the the PSN server

Rotation Offset

Enter the PSN Rotation Offset values for each axis; this is useful when the PSN server is sending a bad rotational value which requires correction

Enable Position

Select the axes that will participate in the object's movement, and deselect an axis that should ignore positional data. The movement is not affected by the item’s rotation. The direction is relative to the selected coordinate space.

Enable Rotation

Select the axes that will participate in the object's rotation, and deselect an axis that should ignore rotational data. The rotation is relative to the selected coordinate space.

Rotation point

Specify the coordinates of the point of rotation

When the PSN Tracker ID matches the one on the PSN server, the server sends positional and rotational data to the object, which moves and/or rotates the object when Showcase is active. 

DMX transforms

DMX transforms scale, rotate, and move selected items in the scene when Showcase is active. Scaling and movement are independent from the object’s rotation.

To transform an object in DMX mode:

Select the object.

Attach the Xform_DMX record format to the object. See Attaching record formats to a symbol instance or object.

Select the record, and complete the record information, from the Data tab of the Object Info palette.

Record fields in Vectorworks specify that Z is "up." However, the DMX Channel tables provided below are compatible with Vision, where Y is "up."

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Enter the universe


Enter the DMX address

Delta X/ Delta Y/ Delta Z

Enter the Delta values to specify the direction and magnitude of movement for each axis. The movement is not affected by the item’s rotation. The direction is relative to the item’s local coordinate space.

Set the DMX profile for the desired movement.




%: Function



Lateral movement

0 – 100





Upward/downward movement

0 – 100





Forward/backward movement

0 – 100



Rotation Axis

Select the rotation axis, or select None.

Set the DMX profile for rotation.

Rotation occurs around the local origin, not the world origin.




%: Function



Rotation (Index)

0 – 100: Rotation





Rotation (Continuous)

0 – 0: No rotation

48 – 1: Clockwise rotation

49 – 51: No rotation

52 – 99: Counter-clockwise rotation

100 – 100: No rotation




Rotation Control

0 – 20: Index rotation

21 – 40: Continuous rotation

41 – 100: Reserved

There are three “dead zones” where no rotation occurs in the Continuous Rotation channel: 0%, 49–51%, and 100%. The rotation is clockwise at 48–1% (where the effect increases as DMX value decreases) and counter-clockwise at 52–99%.

Rotation Delta

Sets the maximum angle of index rotation

Rotation RPM

Set the maximum speed of continuous rotation

Scale X/ Scale Y/ Scale Z

Enter scale factors for each axis to scale the selected object along that axis. Scaling is not affected by the object’s rotation.

Set the DMX profile for scaling.




%: Function



Lateral scaling

0 – 100





Upward/downward scaling

0 – 100





Forward/backward scaling

0 – 100



Rotation Point X/ Rotation Point Y/ Rotation Point Z

Specify the coordinates of the point of rotation

Scale, move, and/or rotate the selected object using the DMX XForm parameters.

Controlling DMX glow

A relatively common need for previsualization is to control glowing objects with DMX. One example is bracelets worn by attendees that change color and brightness during a show.

You can assign a texture using Glow reflectivity to any 3D object, and assign a Glow_DMX record to control the color and brightness using DMX when Showcase is active.

To control the DMX glow of an object:

Select the object.

Assign a texture with a color shader image and glow reflectivity to the object. See Applying and mapping textures.

Attach the Glow_DMX record format to the object. See Attaching record formats to a symbol instance or object.

Select the record, and complete the record information, from the Data tab of the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select RGB from the list. The first DMX channel controls red, the second controls green, and the last controls blue.


Specify the maximum brightness value when all DMX channels are at 100%.


Enter the universe


Enter the DMX address

Control the brightness and color of the object using DMX.

Previsualization with Showcase


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