Architect or LandmarkCreating the site model

Creating a site model from source data


Workspace: Path

Site Model from Source Data

Design Suite, Architect: AEC > Terrain

Landmark: Landmark > Create Site Model

A site model can either be created from elevation source data or from a boundary.

After generation, the site model is cached by default so that updating occurs more efficiently; however, large file sizes can result. See Document preferences: Display tab for information on changing the default setting.

The source data can be adjusted if needed, after the site model is generated. See  Recreating the site model from the source data.

To create a site model from source data:

Ensure that valid source data exists. The site model can be created from 3D loci, 3D polygons, stake objects, a point cloud, or by one of the methods described in Concept: Site model source data. Verify that there are no problems with the source data with the Validate 3D Data command (see Validating 3D source data).

In Top/Plan view, select the source data.

Select the command.

If a point cloud is selected as the source data, the Site Model Point Density dialog box opens. Enter the number of 3D locus points to extract, or drag the slider to select a number (see Extracting 3D loci from a point cloud).

The Site Model Settings dialog box opens. Specify the site model parameters.

Site model settings

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Enter a name for the site model object

Keep Source Data

Retains the original source data when creating the site model with the Site Model from Source Data command, the point cloud if the site model was created directly from a point cloud with the Site Model from Source Data command, or the boundary object for site models created with the Site Model from Boundary command

Saved Settings Options

See Using saved sets to save and apply saved settings

Plan Preview

Displays a top/plan preview of the site model

3D Preview

Displays a 3D preview of the site model

Graphic Properties

Opens the Graphic Properties dialog box, for Setting site model graphic properties, along with slope and elevation analysis parameters

Site model settings: General pane

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Elevation Settings


Maximum Elevation

Specifies the highest contour elevation to be displayed. No contours are created if the maximum elevation is lower than the minimum elevation, but this can be useful for cut and fill calculations (for example, for pond or backfill volumes).

If a site model update will result in contours exceeding the minimum/maximum range, an alert displays, allowing the range to be adjusted. Select Extend Min/Max when Needed to hide the alert and automatically extend the range.

Minimum Elevation

Specifies the lowest contour elevation to be displayed, defining the bottom of the site model, and determines the Geometry Lowest Z elevation for the site model in the Object Info palette

Extend min/max values when needed

Automatically extends the maximum and/or minimum elevation values, if needed, without displaying an alert for confirmation

Reset to Min/Max of Surface Geometry

Resets the Maximum Elevation and Minimum Elevation values to match the current elevations of the site model

Datum Elevation

Creates a plane through the site model, determining the lower elevation boundary for volume calculations

Contour Settings

Sets the display of the contour lines (the contour lines do not affect cut and fill volume calculations)

Minor Contour Interval

Specifies the standard contour line placement interval

Major Contour Multiplier

Specifies the placement interval of major (heavy) contour lines

Start Contour Offset

Controls the starting elevation of the 2D contours


Segmentation Length

Specifies the length of straight line segments that make up the curved portions of a contour; a smaller value creates smoother curved contours. A value of 0 (zero) indicates maximum segmentation according to the 2D conversion resolution set in Vectorworks preferences: Edit pane.

Use Site Modifiers on

Determines which layers containing site modifiers can affect the site model

All Layers

Modifies the proposed site model with modifiers from any layer in the file

Visible Layers Only

Modifies the proposed site model with modifiers from visible layers only; modifiers on invisible layers do not affect the site model

This is a convenient way of evaluating the results of various concepts or variations that have been placed on different layers and then made visible or hidden.

Same Layer as Site Model only

Modifies the proposed site model with modifiers that exist only on the site model layer

Select Layers

Opens the Select Layers dialog box, to choose which layers with modifiers can affect the proposed site model. Selected layers display a check mark in the Use column. To create a new design layer, click New Layer; specify the name for the new layer, and click OK.

Click OK to return to the Site Model Settings dialog box. The Use Site Modifiers on list displays Custom Set of Layers.

Site model settings: 2D Display pane

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select whether to display the existing site model only, proposed site model only, or both existing and proposed site models. The display option can be changed later from the Object Info palette.

Existing Only

Displays only the existing model

Proposed Only

Displays only the proposed model (the current model changed by any site modifiers that apply to the proposed site model)

Proposed + Existing

Displays both the proposed model and the existing model; this option is useful when using the site model for a grading plan, with different existing and proposed topographical line styles


Select a 2D site model display mode

2D Contours

Draws contour lines

2D Contours (Smoothed)

Smooths contour lines (this is cosmetic smoothing only and does not affect the source data)

2D Contours (Colored Elevations)

Draws contour lines and colors the elevations for conducting an elevation analysis (elevation analysis parameters are specified by clicking Graphic Properties and selecting the Site Analysis tab).

A snapshot created from this style of site model includes an elevation legend.

2D Contours (Colored Slopes)

Draws contour lines and colors the slopes within specified ranges for conducting a slope analysis (slope analysis parameters are specified by clicking Graphic Properties and selecting the Site Analysis tab).

A snapshot created from this style of site model includes a slope legend.

2D Triangle

Represents the surface as triangular facets

2D Triangle (Colored Slopes)

For 2D triangle display, colors the slopes within specified angle ranges for conducting a slope analysis (slope analysis parameters are specified by clicking Graphic Properties and selecting the Site Analysis tab).

A snapshot created from this style of site model includes a slope legend.

Draw site border

Draws a closed 2D polygon along the site border (outer edge) of the site model

Show Contour Labels

Labels the 2D contour line elevations.

Set the appearance of the contour labels from the 2D Contour Labels attributes on the Site Model tab of the Graphic Properties; see Setting site model graphic properties.

Major contours

Displays labels for major contour lines only

Major and minor contours

Displays labels on both major and minor contour lines

Parallel to the topo line

Displays contour labels parallel to the topography lines

On the left, Parallel to the topo line is selected. On the right, it is deselected.

Adjust label direction

When deselected, labels are aligned to the highest point, which is typical for contour labels. Select this option to control the label placement with the Adjust flipped text parameter on the Display tab of the document preferences.

On the left, Adjust label direction is deselected. On the right, it is selected.


Sets the units of the contour labels; this allows you to override the file units set in the document preferences


Sets the decimal or fractional precision of the contour label

Show unit mark

Displays the unit mark in the label (this is always selected for feet and inches units)

Show thousands separators

Displays the thousands separators in the label; the separator character is set by the operating system

Custom label placement

Allows the label location to be edited (see Editing contour labels), which is preserved when the site model is updated. Deselect the option to constrain labels to the Maximum Labels per Contour and/or Minimum Distance Between Labels parameters.

You can add extra contour labels as described in Adding contour labels.

Maximum Labels per Contour

Sets the highest number of labels to display on a contour line

Minimum Distance Between Labels

Sets the minimum distance between the labels of a contour line

Show Flow Arrows

Adds arrows to show the downward direction for drainage analysis; flow arrows are based on the site model surface and they do not account for objects on the surface such as walls

Flow Arrow Spacing

Determines the placement of the flow arrows

Scaled to slope

Adjusts the size of the flow arrows depending on the underlying terrain; steeper slopes display longer flow arrows, while shorter flow arrows are used for flatter regions. This makes it easier to spot areas with higher drainage flow rates caused by sloping surfaces.

Site model settings: 3D Display pane

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select the 3D site model display. The display option can be changed later from the Object Info palette.

No 3D Display

Displays only the 2D site model, with no 3D component

Existing Only

Displays the existing 3D site model

Proposed Only

Displays the proposed 3D site model

Cut and Fill

Displays the 3D cut and fill volumes. Areas where existing and proposed site models are the same are represented by a flat area. Cut areas display as a depression in the 3D surface, and fill areas display as a raised area in the 3D surface. (Select cut and fill colors by clicking Graphic Properties and selecting the Site Model tab.)


Select a 3D site model display mode

3D Mesh

Generates 3D triangles with the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) method to form a Vectorworks mesh; this method is the most accurate, as it involves no interpolation. Select Show Skirt to create a valid solid.

3D Mesh (Colored Elevation)

Generates 3D triangles to form a mesh, and colors the mesh based on ranges of elevation (elevation analysis parameters are specified by clicking Graphic Properties and selecting the Site Analysis tab)

3D Mesh (Colored Slope)

Generates 3D triangles to form a mesh, and colors the slopes within specified ranges for conducting a slope analysis (slope analysis parameters are specified by clicking Graphic Properties and selecting the Site Analysis tab)

3D Grid

Draws the site model using a regular grid of rectangles to form the surface, spaced by the 3D Grid Spacing value

3D Grid (Colored Elevation)

Draws the site model as a regular grid of rectangles, colored based on ranges of elevation

3D Grid (Colored Slope)

Draws the site model as a regular grid of rectangles, colored within specified ranges for conducting a slope analysis

3D Vertical Grid

Represents the site model volume using an array of vertical cells

3D Contours

Draws the site model using horizontal 3D polygons

3D Extruded Contours

Creates horizontal solids with a thickness equal to the contour interval; top edges run along contour lines or the site border. This creates a "layer cake" or "chipboard model" effect.

3D Extruded Contours (Colored Elevation)

Creates horizontal solids with a thickness equal to the contour interval, colored based on ranges of elevations

Show skirt

(3D Mesh styles)

Adds solid sides and a bottom to the mesh, creating a valid solid

Show 3D contour

(3D Mesh styles)

Superimposes a 3D contour on the site model

Mesh smoothing

(3D Mesh styles)

Smooths the mesh representation when rendered (this is cosmetic smoothing only and does not affect the source data)

Crease Angle

Determines how smooth the mesh appears; enter a higher value for a smoother surface (valid values are 0 to 180)

3D Grid Spacing

(3D Grid styles)

Sets the grid size for 3D display

By Distance

Defines the grid spacing by X and Y dimension values

By Divisions

Defines the grid spacing by X and Y divisions; enter the number of grid spaces in the X and Y directions


Specifies either the distance or number of divisions

Approximate Squares

Automatically calculates the Y value based on the X value, creating an even grid composed of shapes that are as close to square as possible.

The X value may change as well based on the calculation.

Use geoimage texture

Textures the site model with the selected georeferenced map image.

Due to licensing restrictions, the image displays while working in the file, but it cannot be saved with the file for offline use. Update the geoimage by clicking Update from the site model Object Info palette to download the image again, after saving the file.

Service/Select Service

Displays the currently selected service; click Select Service to open the Select Service dialog box, and choose a preferred service as described in Geolocating the drawing

Image resolution

Determines the resolution of the geoimage; select Automatic to obtain an image based on the object’s drawn size and zoom level. Select Custom to enter the number of horizontal pixels for the image source (the vertical pixels are automatically calculated based on aspect ratio).

A high Custom resolution could result in performance issues depending on the size and zoom level of the geoimage.

Site model settings: Components pane

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Enable components below surface

Select the option to create site model components

Components count

Displays the number of specified components

Edit Components

Opens the Site Model Components dialog box, to specify the components; see Creating site model components

Concept: Site model source data

Setting site model graphic properties

Site model properties

Creating a site model from a boundary

Editing site model contours

Sculpting the site model terrain

Creating site model components

Creating a site model snapshot

Concept: Site model modification

GIS and georeferencing


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