Managing curb and modifier elevations



Tool set


Edit Modifier

Edit Positions



- (hyphen)

The elevations of some of a curb's elevation vertices and of the front and back edge site modifiers (if any) can be edited using the Reshape tool; see Editing curbs for more information about the modes available. The Edit Modifier mode adds, moves, edits, or deletes curb edge site modifier vertices, and the Edit Positions mode affects the curb elevation vertices.

Adding elevation points and modifiers

To add an elevation vertex or edge site modifier to a curb:

Select a curb.

Click the tool and mode, and click Add submode.

Blue handles display the position of existing modifiers or elevation vertices for reference. 

Move the cursor over the curb where you need to place the point. Guides that slide along the curb path preview the position of the point; use the floating Data bar to insert a specific value for the elevation. 

Click to place the point in the needed position.

Once placed, elevation vertices and modifiers can be moved horizontally or vertically, or deleted, and elevations can be edited more extensively in the Edit Curb Elevation dialog box.

Moving elevation points and modifiers

To move an elevation vertex or edge site modifier:

Select a curb.

Click the tool and mode. Click Move Along Path submode to move the handle horizontally along the path, or (for 3D views only) Move Vertically mode to move the handle vertically.

Blue handles display on the curb for any modifiers or elevation vertices available for manual editing. 

Click the blue handle on the modifier/point to move, and either slide the vertex along the path, or raise or lower it. The handle's new position is previewed. 

Click to place the point in the needed position.

Deleting elevation points and modifiers

To delete an elevation vertex or edge site modifier:

Select a curb.

Click the tool and mode, and click Remove submode.

Click the blue handle on the point to remove.

Editing elevation points and modifiers

Edit the elevation of curb segments by entering specific elevation values. This method is convenient for editing an entire curb, from corner vertex to corner vertex; you can adjust long segments in section view, relative to the site model surface.

To edit the elevation of vertices or edge site modifiers of a curb segment:

Select a curb.

Click the tool and mode, and click Edit Dialogs submode.

Click on the segment of the curb to edit.

The Edit Curb Elevation dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Profile view of the curb segments

The preview displays the curb (and its elevation vertices, corners, and insertions), the front/rear edge modifiers, and/or the grid, depending on the Show settings. The preview shows the relative heights of the points and any terrain. Points for the Active feature are numbered, corresponding with the points listed below. For long curb segments, a scroll bar under the preview allows you to adjust the section of interest. 


Select which details to display in the preview


Select which feature to make active for editing. The numbers in the preview and in the list below reflect this selection.

Zoom Factor

To change the preview's horizontal zoom factor, enter a percentage; click Reset to Default Zoom to restore the default setting

Graph Scaling

Enter a figure to change the vertical graph scaling relative to the horizontal

Interpolate elevations

Interpolates the elevation between customized points; this results in an even slope between the two customized points

List of elevation points

Lists the points for the curb or the the front or rear edge modifiers, depending on the Active selection. 

Insertion Point/Corner: A unique number helps identify the point to be edited; the numbers correspond to those shown in the preview.

Elevation: The elevation of each point; start and end points can't be edited.

Next Slope: The slope between this point and the next elevation point, or to the next corner or customized point if Interpolate elevations is selected.

Customized: indicates if the point is customized, and therefore excluded from interpolation.


Set the following parameters for the selected point; the availability of these parameters for some selected points depends on other settings


Enter the point's elevation

Next Slope

Enter the slope percentage between the selected point and the next point in the list


Excludes the selected point from automatic interpolation when the elevations of other points are changed; the elevation of customized points can only be changed manually

Show elevation points at export

Displays elevation points on the image if this group is exported as a static image

Show corner points at export

Displays corner points on the image if this group is exported as a static image


Places a static image of this preview on the active design layer

Select which points to Show in the preview, and which to make Active for selection and editing in the list below.

Click a point in either the preview or the list of elevation points to select it. Hold the Shift key to select multiple points from the list.

Edit the parameters for each point as needed.

Optionally, export an image of this preview and place it on the active design layer when you click OK.

Editing curbs


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