Design SuiteCustomizing the space settings

When you edit the space name, occupant organization, and room finish libraries, the changes are saved to text files in your user folder. In a workgroup environment, you can create a set of files that contain standard settings for your office and share them with coworkers.

To access the shared content, another Vectorworks user simply designates that folder as a workgroup folder in his or her Vectorworks Preferences. Then, when the user creates spaces in a drawing, the space name, occupant organization, and room finish libraries are collected from files in the Vectorworks application folder, the user folder, and any folder designated as a workgroup folder.

To create custom space settings:

In the Space tool's preferences, customize the space name and occupant organization libraries. The appropriate files are created in the user data folder specified in your Vectorworks preferences (see Vectorworks preferences: User Folders pane). Room finish libraries are slightly different; you edit them from the Room Finish Manager, and then save them to your user folder and/or to a shared folder.

To share the custom files with a workgroup, put the files in a shared location in a workgroup folder. When coworkers set up this workgroup folder in their Vectorworks preferences, they also have access to the files (see Sharing custom content using workgroup folders). The folder structure must be the same as the default content room finish, standard occupant organization, and space name libraries provided in the Vectorworks application folder, [Vectorworks]\Libraries. For example, to add a custom space name library, place the file in your workgroup default space name folder: [Workgroup]\Libraries\Defaults\Space\Space - Space Name.

Remove the custom files you created from your user folder if you intend to use the workgroup settings. Remember that the contents of the user folder have priority over the contents of the workgroup folder.

Space settings: Occupancy pane

Custom number types

Editing lists of space names and occupant organizations

Room Finish Manager


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