Design SuiteRoom Finish Manager


Workspace: Tool set


Design Suite, Architect, Landmark: Space Planning

Spotlight: Add tool to workspace (see Customizing workspaces)

The Room Finish Manager lets you create and maintain a custom set of room finishes in your document, so that you can assign them to space objects. You can easily export and import room finish libraries, to improve consistency and efficiency in your projects.

The Room Finish Manager also controls how wall finishes will be assigned in the current document: to each individual wall, to North/East/South/West groups, or to all walls as one group.

To open the Room Finish Manager:

Do one of the following:

Click the tool and then click Preferences. On the Room Finishes pane, click Room Finish Manager.

Select one or more existing space objects and click Room Finish Manager from the Object Info palette.

The Room Finish Manager dialog box opens. This dialog box has specialized functions to sort, select, and edit its list items; see List box functionality.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Document Finish Mode

Select a mode to use when assigning wall finishes to space objects.

Individual walls: Assign to each wall individually  

NESW: Assign to each group of walls (north, east, south, west)

All walls: Assign the same finishes to all walls

If you change this setting after you have assigned finishes to spaces, you might need to reassign some finishes.

Finish Management

Finishes in document: Lists finishes from the current document.

Finishes in library: Lists finishes from an external file. Select a library from the Finish Library list, which includes libraries in the Vectorworks application folder, your user folder, and your designated workgroup folder.


If you selected an external library, click this button to enter a new name for the library file

Finish list

Displays the finishes in the document or selected library. Select one or more rows and then click one of the buttons below the list to edit, duplicate, or delete the finish. You can also click a field and edit its contents directly. For an external library, you can add selected finishes to the document.

New or Edit

Opens the Edit Finish Item dialog box, to add or edit information for a finish. This information can be used for data tags, room finish schedules, data visualizations, and custom reports.

Finish Key: Enter a unique ID for the finish

Finish Description: Enter a brief description of the finish

Manufacturer / Style: Enter manuacturer or style information

Color: Enter color information

Finish Type: Enter the type of finish

Unit of Measurement: Select a unit for the finish cost

Unit Cost: Enter the finish cost per unit


Adds a duplicate of the selected finish to the library; locate the duplicate entry in the list and edit the red Key value to make it unique


Deletes the selected finish from the library. If the finish is currently in use in the document, you're prompted to replace the finish with another selected finish, if desired.

Add to document

Allows you to select a finish in an external library to add to the document

Save as

Opens a dialog box to save the finish list as an external library file. Enter a name for the library, and select one or more locations to save it to.

Select a Document Finish Mode to use when assigning wall finishes to spaces.

Add the finishes you need to the document. You can create finishes as well as add them from external finish libraries. For convenience, Vectorworks provides a library of generic finishes, which you can edit to add data such as manufacturer, style, color, and cost.

When you add a finish with the New or Add to document button, the text of the added finish is green, so that you can easily identify what's new.

Each finish must have a unique Key value. If a key is a duplicate of another in the list, it displays in red. You cannot save the list until you correct duplicate keys.

Assigning room finishes

Concept: Resource libraries

Customizing the space settings

Space settings

Creating spaces with the Space tool


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