Design SuiteMoving a curtain wall grid



Tool set

Move Grid

Edit Wall

Building Shell

The frames and panels of a curtain wall form a grid or pattern relative to the wall. Moving the grid along the wall can be useful to center a grid pattern on a wall.

To move the curtain wall grid relative to the wall:

Click the tool and mode.

Select the curtain wall to edit.

Click to set a reference point for the grid.

Move the cursor to shift the entire grid of frames and panels, along with any doors and windows, relative to the wall.

The frames and panels shift to the left or right along the wall. A preview of the grid displays.

Click to set the new location of the curtain wall grid.


Click to set a reference point. As you move the cursor, a preview of the new grid location displays. Click to set the new grid position; the grid is shifted relative to the wall.

Editing curtain wall frames and panels



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