Design SuiteEditing curtain wall frames and panels


Tool set

Edit Wall

Building Shell

The Edit Wall tool's Edit Frames and Panels submodes manipulate the frames and panels of curtain walls. Once a curtain wall is selected with the tool, the modes allow you to select frames and panels; delete frames and panels; add, split, and combine frames; move frame and panel sets along a wall; and edit frame and panel settings.

Curtain wall grid patterns, including the location of frames and the attributes of frames and panels, are based on the grid definition in the Definition tab of the Wall Preferences dialog box or in the Curtain Wall Grid dialog box. Edits made to wall instances do not affect the grid definition. See Concept: Editing guidelines for curtain wall grids for a discussion of the interaction between the grid definition and any custom edits.



Edit 3D Wall Peaks

Activates the modes to reshape curtain wall heights and add or delete vertices; see Reshaping walls

Edit Frames and Panels

Activates the modes (described below) to reshape curtain wall frames and panels

Select Frame

Selects one or more frames

Select Panel

Selects one or more panels

Add Frame

Inserts new frames into the curtain wall

Split Frame

Splits a frame into multiple pieces, so that one portion of the frame can be independently moved, edited, or deleted

Combine Frames

Combines two collinear frames into a single frame

Move Grid

Moves an entire set of frames and panels relative to the curtain wall


Selected frame or panel parameters can be edited

Editing curtain wall frames

Editing curtain wall panels

Adding new frames to a curtain wall

Splitting curtain wall frames

Combining curtain wall frames

Moving a curtain wall grid

Changing selected frame or panel settings

Curtain wall preferences


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