Double-Line Polygon Tool

Use the Double-Line Polygon tool to create a wide variety of open or closed polygons that have two parallel lines, a double-lined polygon with a width, or two parallel lines with a polygon fill. Double-line polygons can have as many as 32,767 vertices.



Top Control Line

The cursor creates the right line

Center Control Line

Creates lines equidistant from the cursor

Bottom Control Line

The cursor creates the left line

Custom Control Line

Specify an offset value


To create a double-line polygon:

1. Click the Double-Line Polygon tool from the Basic palette.

2. Select the offset method.

3. Enter the distance between the double lines in the Separation field on the Tool bar.

4. Click the Preferences button to specify any other parameters.

5. Click OK.

6. Click to set the polygon’s start point (first vertex).

7. Click at each vertex.

8. Double-click to mark the polygon’s end point (final vertex).



Applying Components Between Double Lines

2D Polygon Tool

Creating Double Lines

Regular (Equal-sided) Polygon

Displaying and Reversing Object Direction