DesignSeries00028.pngCreating Wall Styles


To create a straight wall style:


To create a round wall style:

  1. Select the Wall or Round Wall tool from the Building Shell tool set, and then click Preferences from the Tool bar.

  2. The Wall Preferences dialog box opens.

  3. To modify an existing wall style, select the Wall Style from a library or the current file. Alternatively, select Unstyled as the wall style and set the parameters.

  4. Specify the wall and component parameters as described in Creating Walls, and Drawing Straight Walls.

  5. The attributes of an unstyled wall can be saved as a wall style. Set the Eyedropper Preferences to pick up all wall attributes and select the Pick Up Sets Defaults option. The Eyedropper tool can then be used to pick up wall attributes from an unstyled wall and add the settings to the Wall Preferences dialog box, where the settings can be saved as a style.

  6. Click Save Preferences as Wall Style.

  7. The Assign Name dialog box opens.

  8. Enter a unique name for the wall style and click OK.

  9. If the wall style name already exists, you are prompted to cancel and select a different name, or replace the existing wall style with the edited wall style, for all walls that use that style. If you are replacing wall styles, the Wall Replacement dialog box opens; specify the wall alignment properties.

  10. The new wall style is saved with the file and is listed under Wall Styles in the Resource Browser as well as the Wall Style list on the Tool bar.

A new wall style can be created from an unstyled wall. Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac) on an unstyled wall, and select New Wall Style from Unstyled Wall from the context menu.

A new wall style can also be created in the Resource Browser by clicking New Resource > Wall Style from the Resources menu. A wall style created in this way is not associated with the current wall preference setting, but can be applied later.


Resource Libraries

Editing Wall Styles

Applying Wall Styles

Deleting and/or Replacing Wall Styles from the Resource Browser

Replacing Wall Styles from the Object Info Palette