Event Design

The Vectorworks Spotlight product offers tools and commands needed to design sophisticated concert and theatrical venues. You can create seating sections, stages, soft goods, and video and audio objects, in addition to designing complete lighting, hoist, and cable networks.

Vectorworks Spotlight also offers a Basic Event Design suite appropriate for designing room layouts for events such as banquets, presentations, or training sessions.

Spot00039.pngCreating Seating Sections

The Create Seating Section command can be used to create the final, detailed design for seating sections in boxed, chevron, offset, or curved configurations. You can create features such as rises, and custom numbering plans, edit individual seats as needed to create exactly the arrangement you need, and then output the data to editable reports included with the software. Quick editing capabilities allow you to change specific elements of the plan without using the processor resources to redraw the entire seating section.

To quickly design preliminary seating layouts that can be converted into seating sections for final detailing, see Creating a Basic Seating Layout.

To create a seating section:

  1. Select the objects to create the seating section.

  2. Select Event Design > Create Seating Section.

  3. Selected object
    Creation Sequence

    A closed 2D shape (such as a rectangle) to define the boundary of the seating area

    Click in the drawing to set the focus point. The Create Seating Section dialog box opens.

    One or more existing seating layouts

    The seating layout is converted to a seating section. Select Redraw Seating in the Object Info palette to open the Create Seating Section dialog box.

    Two or more existing seating sections

    The Combine Seating Section dialog box opens. Select one of the options:

        Combine the seating sections into a new seating section, and name the new section

        Add the seating sections to one of the selected seating sections, and select which section

    Select Focus Seating in the Object Info palette, then click in the drawing to place the focus point for the new seating section. Select Redraw Seating in the Object Info palette to open the Create Seating Section dialog box.

    Multiple seating symbols

    The Section Information pane of the Create Seating Section dialog box opens. Name the seating section and click OK. Select Focus Seating in the Object Info palette, then click in the drawing to place the focus point for the new seating section. Select Redraw Seating in the Object Info palette to open the Create Seating Section dialog box.

  4. In the Create Seating Section dialog box, select whether to create a Standard (straight) or Curved seating section; depending on the settings, curved seating sections can curve into a complete 360° circle.

The settings are grouped into several panes of related parameters, which are listed on the left side of the dialog box; these parameters vary depending on whether a standard or curved seating type is selected. Select each pane and specify the seating section parameters. Click OK to set the parameters and close the dialog box. These parameters can be edited for selected seating sections from the Object Info palette, as described in Editing Seating Sections.

Seating Section Settings

Seating Section Settings: Arrangement Pane

Seating Section Settings: Section Information Pane

Seating Section Settings: Limits Pane

Seating Section Settings: Angle Pane

If the seating section object is four sided and all four corners are 90°, you can specify an angle for the seating within the boundary.


Editing Seating Sections

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