Spot00030.pngSetting Up Instrument Label Legends

Label legends specify the labels and label formatting for lighting instruments on the light plot. Multiple label legends can be defined and then selectively applied to different instruments. The active label legend is applied to instruments as they are placed, or a label legend can be selected for existing instruments from the Object Info palette. Label legends are 2D screen plane objects. (See Planar Modes of 2D Objects: Screen Plane and Layer Plane). 3D label legends display in the view selected from the 3D Legend View parameter in the Object Info palette of a selected lighting device.

Label Classes

Each label is automatically placed in its own Label class; 3D label text can be in its own class. This allows the labels to be globally turned on and off. For example, if the designer is printing the light plot for an electrician, the “Label-Purpose” class of labels can be hidden so that only electrical information labels are shown. All label legend classes can begin with a Label Root Class prefix specified in the Lighting Device Setup.

The labels display the lighting instrument object information. The instrument Object Info palette also shows this information (see Lighting Device Properties).

Using the Label Legend Manager

The Label Legend Manager controls the setup and modification of the instrument label styles. Select Spotlight > Label Legend > Label Legend Manager to set up the legends for the light plot. The Label Legend Manager dialog box opens.


Creating Label Legends

Editing Label Legends

Formatting the Label Legend

Importing Label Legends from Another File

Repositioning Labels

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