Lighting design

Vectorworks Spotlight provides the lighting designer with all the tools necessary to plan and create a light plot and its associated paperwork. See Lighting for more information about lighting design within a larger event design workflow.


Spot.pngConcept: Vectorworks Spotlight terminology

In the Vectorworks Spotlight program, you use the Lighting Instrument tool to place a lighting instrument on the drawing. Optionally, you can use the Lighting Accessory tool to place a lighting accessory on the drawing, and associate it with the appropriate instrument. Because they are so closely linked, all instrument and accessory objects are referred to as “lighting devices” when they are edited from the Object Info palette, Properties dialog box, or Lighting Device dialog box. The Device Type field indicates whether an accessory or instrument is being edited. A lighting accessory has a type of Accessory or Static Accessory; any other Device Type indicates a lighting instrument.

Lighting devices and other loads can be associated with hanging positions and rigging objects, which include trusses, lighting pipes, lighting pipe ladders, and the rigging geometry within hanging position objects. The point where a load attaches to a rigging object is the load’s hanging point. This is the point where Braceworks calculates the load (Braceworks required). Moving the load’s hanging point moves the load’s actual position on the rigging object.


Workflow: Designing events

Event rigging and structural analysis

Workflow: Pre-rigging the event

Light plot structure

Concept: Rigging objects

Concept: Hanging positions

Inserting hanging positions

Setting up instrument label legends

Adding lighting instruments

Managing loads

Inserting multi-circuit instruments

Editing lighting instruments

Adding accessories

Instrument and accessory specifications

Ganging instruments

Focusing instruments

Obtaining photometric data

Lighting symbol maintenance

Creating instrument summaries

Numbering light plot objects

Generating paperwork

Spotlight preferences setup


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