Land00129.pngCustomizing Existing Trees

Existing trees are hybrid symbols, containing a 2D symbol component, and optionally, a 3D symbol component. The default existing tree symbols are located in the default content included with the Vectorworks Landmark product in Vectorworks\Libraries (see Concept: Resource Libraries). As 2D and 3D settings are made, the associated tree symbols are automatically imported into the current file and appear in the Resource Manager.

As with any resource, the symbols can be edited through the Resource Manager, and these edits apply to the current file. Alternatively, custom existing tree symbols can be added to the default ET Symbols.vwx file, either directly or by exporting edited tree symbols to the file (duplicate and rename the symbols from the Resource Manager first, so that the original symbols are not overwritten). For more information on symbol operations in the Resource Manager, see Resource Manager. See Exporting Resources for information on exporting resources.

These naming conventions ensure that any custom symbols are available for selection in the 2D and 3D Properties dialog boxes:

    Symbol names for retained trees, or the new location of transplanted trees, must begin with 1. (the number 1, followed by a period)

    Symbol names for removed trees, or the original location of transplanted trees, must begin with 2.

    Symbol names for the 2D tree trunk must begin with 3.

    Symbol names for the 3D canopy must begin with 4.


Editing Symbol Definitions

Resource Manager

Documenting Existing Trees



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