Data Bar and Edit Group Options

The Data bar is controlled by options on a drop-down list on the right side of the Tool bar. Options for editing groups are also provided in this list. The Data Bar and Edit Group Options list is enabled by default on the Quick Preferences menu on the Tool bar; therefore, it displays as a button to the left of the Quick Preferences menu. The Data Bar Options and Edit Group Options can also be selected from the Window menu.


Menu Command

Location of the data bar fields


Use floating data bar

The data bar floats with the cursor in the drawing area

Use floating data bar only when tab key is pressed

The data bar floats with the cursor only when the Tab key is pressed; otherwise the bar does not display

Do not use floating data bar - show data bar fields on fixed data bar

The data bar displays on the top left side of the window, at the top of the Tool bar

Activation of the data bar


Allow numeric keypad entry for instant data bar activation

When the floating data bar is displayed, enter numbers on the keyboard or numeric keypad to activate the first field

Do not allow numeric keypad entry for instant data bar activation

When the floating data bar is displayed, enter numbers on the keyboard only to activate the first field

Do not allow instant data bar activation

When the floating data bar is displayed, press the Tab key to activate the first field

Field display on the data bar


Show only primary fields on data bar

Show only the primary data fields (for example, L and A for circles)

Show primary and secondary fields on data bar

Show all fields except the cursor location fields (X and Y)

Show primary, secondary, and cursor location fields on data bar

Show all fields

Field cycling options


Auto cycle to non-displayed fields when tabbing past last field

When some of the data fields are hidden, press the Tab key in the last visible field to make the non-displayed fields become visible

Do not auto cycle to non-displayed fields when tabbing past last field

When some of the data fields are hidden, press the Tab key in the last visible field to return to the first field

Location of the floating data bar


Show floating data bar below SmartCursor cues

When the floating data bar is enabled, displays the data bar below the SmartCursor cues (below the cursor)

Show floating data bar above SmartCursor cues

When the floating data bar is enabled, displays the data bar above the SmartCursor cues (above the cursor)

Data bar activation on datum creation


Show floating data bar after datum creation

When the floating data bar is enabled, displays the data bar automatically after a datum is set

Do not show floating data bar after datum creation

The floating data bar does not automatically display after a datum is set. Press the Tab key to display the floating data bar.

Display of the Exit Group button


Use large exit group button

When a group is being edited, show a large button with the label Exit Group in the upper right corner of the drawing area

Use small exit group button

When a group is being edited, show a small button with an arrow icon in the upper right corner of the drawing area

Exit group options


<Esc><Esc> exits group

When a group is being edited, pressing the Escape key twice exits the editing window

<Esc><Esc> does not exit group

When a group is being edited, pressing the Escape key twice does not exit the editing window


Using the Data Bar

Drawing with the Data Bar

Setting Quick Preferences




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