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Title Block Border
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Title block border objects both provide the graphic layout of the sheet border and title block and manage the data required for the title block, revision block, issue block, and so on, as described in Concept: Using Title Block Borders.
Several commonly used title block border styles are available for use, but completely customized title block borders can also be created using the title block border settings and the editable title block layout group (see Editing a Title Block Border). These custom title block borders can then be optionally saved as a style for future use in other files.
Creating a plug-in object style for the title block border allows you to set fixed values for some of the parameters for all instances that use the style, while maintaining the ability to edit other parameters for each instance of the title block border (see Concept: Plug-in Object Styles). Once a plug-in object style is created, you can select it from the Resource Selector on the Tool bar or on the Title Block Border Preferences or Title Block Border Settings dialog box.
A title block border object must be placed individually on each layer, but by using an appropriate title block border style and effective project and sheet naming and number systems, a file with a large number of layers can be set up efficiently. Creating Templates with the title block border needed for most of the layers in a set is one way to manage this; the title block border can then be changed for individual layers as needed.
To place a title block border on a layer:
Click the tool.
Do one of the following:
● To use an existing title block border from the resource libraries, click Title Block Border Style on the Tool bar. From the Resource Selector, double-click a resource to activate it.
● To create a custom title block border, click Preferences. From the Title Block Border Preferences dialog box, select the style to use and/or set the basic drawing size default properties. For many standard drawing formats these properties are set by style (see Creating Plug-in Object Styles).
Click on the drawing to place the object, and click again to set the rotation.
A title block border object is placed on the drawing.
Click Title Block Border Settings from the Object Info palette to set additional parameters for the selected object.
Click Title Block Border Settings from the Object Info palette of a selected title block border to open the Title Block Border Settings dialog box.
Creating Plug-in Object Styles allows you to create plug-in objects, such as the title block border, with a combination of parameters that are determined by the style or by instance. Style parameters have a fixed value established by the style; instance parameters can be set independently for each instance of the object in the drawing.
The selected object’s settings are grouped into several panes of related parameters, which are listed on the left side of the Title Block Border Settings dialog box. Select each pane and specify the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
Project-wide data shared by all title block borders are managed from this pane; changes made to the Project Data pane of any title block border in the file are made to all title block borders in the file.
to show/hide the parameters.
The Manage Project Data dialog box allows you to specify and order the fields on the Project Data pane.
to show/hide the parameters.
Sheet-specific data are managed from this pane.
to show/hide the parameters.
The Manage Sheet Data dialog box allows you to specify and order the fields on the Sheet Data pane.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
Depending on the length of the revision entries, they may need to be top-aligned in the revision section of the title block border; see Top-Aligning Revision and Issue Text in the Title Block Layout.
to show/hide the parameters.
Depending on the length of the issue entries, they may need to be top-aligned in the revision section of the title block border; see Top-Aligning Revision and Issue Text in the Title Block Layout.
to show/hide the parameters.
To display a drawing stamp, you must insert a text block in the appropriate location (see Editing a Title Block Layout) and then assign that text block the Data Type Drawing Stamp (see Linking Title Block Text to Data Records).
to show/hide the parameters.
The revision and issue number options apply to all layers in the file.
to show/hide the parameters.